Fast forward to about 1minute in.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
4 Months
We are one day shy of being 4 months old, and guess what I woke up to this morning. A tooth!
Zane decided that 7am was a fun time to start singing and sucking on his fingers. I tried to ignore him and pat him back to sleep, but he wasn't having any of it. So I stuck my knuckle into his mouth to see if he was still hungry. And what do I feel? Something sharp poking back at me! A tooth broke though the bottom right side!
At this rate he will be crawling next month and walking at 8 months!
And now it is Tuesday. He had his appointment this morning. He weighs in at a whopping 18lbs! My goodness! No wonder I can hardly hold him any more, and all his clothes are getting too small! He is also 26" long.
We went to visit Santa yesterday. Lena and Zane sat on his lap. Lena asked for binoculars. Zane, just sat there. =)
I looked in his mouth today and it looks like he is following his sister and will soon be getting a twin tooth with in the week. The tooth next to the one that just came in, is just under the skin.
Just a few more days until Christmas! This time last year Jay and I were holding our breaths waiting to tell Lena that after 7 long years she was going to FINALLY be a big sister... although at this rate, Zane is going to be bigger than her!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December 2010
Here we are at the end of the year already. I can't believe that one year ago, I found out I was pregnant with Zane! Amazing how time goes by so quickly.
Like how it's been a MONTH since I last posted on this blog. Shame on me!
Since my last entry, Zane has figured out how to roll over! At 3 months and 10 days old too!
He is doing really well, he is about 15lbs and close to 25" long. BIG boy! I am constantly finding clothes in his drawers that don't fit any longer. Which is so different from when Lena was a baby. She stayed in the clothings sizes for so long! She was still in 0-3 month at this point, where Zane is quickly heading into 6-9 month already! I have been pulling clothes out that I thought he wouldn't fit into for another month or more, and BAM! They fit or are on the small side already! I know have to find him a new snow suit for when we go outside to play in the snow! His is just too small now. Good think I am a deal hunter!
He is talking up a storm, his newest babble is diittthhhh. He loves to have conversations with anyone who will sit and talk to him.
He is super ticklish, and we have tickle sessions quite often with him! Unfortunately he got my skin and ends up with bright red stops from where we have been munching on him. His cheeks are constantly red right now. whether it's from all the kisses, or the cold weather, we aren't sure. So he gets lubed up with a heavy lotion several times a day, or they end up chapped.
He is finally doing better in his car seat. Thank God since we bought a CAR!! Yes, nearly 2 years car free, we got a car. WHEW! He still has his moments of a scream fest, but is doing much better, falling asleep or trying to eat his lion. =)
I have lots of pictures to download including a cute one where daddy stuck Zane in a basket.
So I will share those soon!
Like how it's been a MONTH since I last posted on this blog. Shame on me!
Since my last entry, Zane has figured out how to roll over! At 3 months and 10 days old too!
He is doing really well, he is about 15lbs and close to 25" long. BIG boy! I am constantly finding clothes in his drawers that don't fit any longer. Which is so different from when Lena was a baby. She stayed in the clothings sizes for so long! She was still in 0-3 month at this point, where Zane is quickly heading into 6-9 month already! I have been pulling clothes out that I thought he wouldn't fit into for another month or more, and BAM! They fit or are on the small side already! I know have to find him a new snow suit for when we go outside to play in the snow! His is just too small now. Good think I am a deal hunter!
He is talking up a storm, his newest babble is diittthhhh. He loves to have conversations with anyone who will sit and talk to him.
He is super ticklish, and we have tickle sessions quite often with him! Unfortunately he got my skin and ends up with bright red stops from where we have been munching on him. His cheeks are constantly red right now. whether it's from all the kisses, or the cold weather, we aren't sure. So he gets lubed up with a heavy lotion several times a day, or they end up chapped.
He is finally doing better in his car seat. Thank God since we bought a CAR!! Yes, nearly 2 years car free, we got a car. WHEW! He still has his moments of a scream fest, but is doing much better, falling asleep or trying to eat his lion. =)
I have lots of pictures to download including a cute one where daddy stuck Zane in a basket.
So I will share those soon!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Giggle Monster Video
Ok, so Cousin Alaa stopped by the other night. I think all our cheeks were going to fall off by the end of the evening. So here are a few video's of Zane, laughing his bum off!
Giggle Monster
I think he is close to the 15lbs mark, about 24" long. And he is quickly out growing his 3-6 month clothes! One day a shirt fits him just fine, the next week I put it on and the sleeves are starting to inch up his arms! I tried to put a pair of pants on that he wore at 4 weeks. HA! What a joke! They fit him up to his knees anyway!
He yells as us when he wants attention and someone to banter with. It is a YELL. Not a scream. But an AHH!!! Like, HEY! Someone pay attention to me! The minute you look at him, he smiles, laughs and will start chattering!
Jay is the best at this so far. I get smiles and agoo's. But Jay gets full out conversations. Alaa, he makes Zane laugh until it looks like his cheeks are going to fall off!
He still loves his pouch to be carried around in, but there have been times where he does an ET impersonation. He stretches his neck out and looks around and up at the tree's. Trying to gather it all in.
One thing that I just adore is that when we wake up at 7am for the day, he is full of smiles. It's like he is so happy to have another day in front of him!
He loves his dog Chip. It's his best buddy. He loves to suck on his hand. The silly boy will not take a pacifier. So different from his sister that constantly had that thing in her mouth for 2 1/2 years. He has also taken to sucking on his bottom lip. And can mimic you when you blow raspberries.
He still hates his stroller and car seat most days. Screams like his arm is being pulled off. Which has made for some interesting drives and trips out of the house.
He yells as us when he wants attention and someone to banter with. It is a YELL. Not a scream. But an AHH!!! Like, HEY! Someone pay attention to me! The minute you look at him, he smiles, laughs and will start chattering!
Jay is the best at this so far. I get smiles and agoo's. But Jay gets full out conversations. Alaa, he makes Zane laugh until it looks like his cheeks are going to fall off!
He still loves his pouch to be carried around in, but there have been times where he does an ET impersonation. He stretches his neck out and looks around and up at the tree's. Trying to gather it all in.
One thing that I just adore is that when we wake up at 7am for the day, he is full of smiles. It's like he is so happy to have another day in front of him!
He loves his dog Chip. It's his best buddy. He loves to suck on his hand. The silly boy will not take a pacifier. So different from his sister that constantly had that thing in her mouth for 2 1/2 years. He has also taken to sucking on his bottom lip. And can mimic you when you blow raspberries.
He still hates his stroller and car seat most days. Screams like his arm is being pulled off. Which has made for some interesting drives and trips out of the house.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
8 Weeks!
Can you believe that 8 weeks have passed! Well, today Zane is officially 2 months old. Every time I look at him I go through the same thing every parent does. How did we manage to live with out him!? He seems like he has always been here!
We are still doing a lot of adjusting, figuring out sleep and how to keep up with the house work, etc.
I screwed things up the other day, but at the time I thought I was doing so well! I managed to get Zane to nap for 3, yes THREE hours. He was soo nice and happy after than. I had to feed him for a good 45 minutes after he woke up though! But then we went to the book store. And guess who slept the entire 2 hours? Yep. Zane.
So, that night he slept, but not very well. He was very restless all night long. Very agitated it seemed. So yesterday it was back to 30 minutes here, 45 there. Today, he had a good 2 hour nap, which is a typical morning nap and he is now 2 hours later taking another snooze. We will see how long this one lasts!
Zane saw his new family doctor yesterday. He is a whopping 13lbs 8oz. But he did have a slightly wet diaper on, so take a few ounces off of that. And 63cm long. Which is like 24" I think. Lena at this age was 11lbs 4oz, and 21 1/2" long. Boys are just bigger I guess!
The doctor wasn't that happy with the fact that I am delaying and selectively vaccinating Zane. She said it would mess up her schedule by doing that. Well, too bad. I am still trying to decide if he will get the full set of DTaP Polio and Hib. He will not be getting the MMR, or Varcilla, but will have his blood tested at the age of 3 to see about immunity. He may at that time get the Varcilla, not sure about the MMR yet.
Anyway, things are different this time around. I feel like I have a better knowledge of things and are more comfortable in my skin when it comes to standing up for things I believe in.
Zane is doing great. He is agoooing and abooing and is making other noises on a regular basis.
He LOVES his baths and I have been floating him in them. I hold his head and let his body free float. He gets sooo excited and kicks his legs with a smile on his face. Finally, a kid who loves the water!
Lena is ever the big sister! She is always yelling at us to stop having fun with Zane until she can come and see it too!
His Cousin Khulood watched him for 2 hours on Saturday. I don't think he gave her tooo much of a hard time. But it was the first time someone other than Jay or I watched him!
Here is to another good 4 weeks!
We are still doing a lot of adjusting, figuring out sleep and how to keep up with the house work, etc.
I screwed things up the other day, but at the time I thought I was doing so well! I managed to get Zane to nap for 3, yes THREE hours. He was soo nice and happy after than. I had to feed him for a good 45 minutes after he woke up though! But then we went to the book store. And guess who slept the entire 2 hours? Yep. Zane.
So, that night he slept, but not very well. He was very restless all night long. Very agitated it seemed. So yesterday it was back to 30 minutes here, 45 there. Today, he had a good 2 hour nap, which is a typical morning nap and he is now 2 hours later taking another snooze. We will see how long this one lasts!
Zane saw his new family doctor yesterday. He is a whopping 13lbs 8oz. But he did have a slightly wet diaper on, so take a few ounces off of that. And 63cm long. Which is like 24" I think. Lena at this age was 11lbs 4oz, and 21 1/2" long. Boys are just bigger I guess!
The doctor wasn't that happy with the fact that I am delaying and selectively vaccinating Zane. She said it would mess up her schedule by doing that. Well, too bad. I am still trying to decide if he will get the full set of DTaP Polio and Hib. He will not be getting the MMR, or Varcilla, but will have his blood tested at the age of 3 to see about immunity. He may at that time get the Varcilla, not sure about the MMR yet.
Anyway, things are different this time around. I feel like I have a better knowledge of things and are more comfortable in my skin when it comes to standing up for things I believe in.
Zane is doing great. He is agoooing and abooing and is making other noises on a regular basis.
He LOVES his baths and I have been floating him in them. I hold his head and let his body free float. He gets sooo excited and kicks his legs with a smile on his face. Finally, a kid who loves the water!
Lena is ever the big sister! She is always yelling at us to stop having fun with Zane until she can come and see it too!
His Cousin Khulood watched him for 2 hours on Saturday. I don't think he gave her tooo much of a hard time. But it was the first time someone other than Jay or I watched him!
Here is to another good 4 weeks!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My Little Beast!
It's hard to believe that 4 weeks ago I was discovering my newborn!
Today we had an appointment with the midwife. Just a basic weight and development check up.
Zane, is a chubby 11lbs 1oz! He is now gaining an average of 2oz a DAY! I guess my milk is doing it's job and keeping my boy growing and healthy! I still have to remind myself daily to drink enough water and eat!
He can lift his head and hold it there for longer than he should. =) Every time someone sees him or holds him, they comment on how strong the little bugger is!
Zane had his 1 month pictures taken on Monday. We wont get them back until October 4th, when I do, I will post them, because as always, he is a cutie!
And, last but not least, he is smiling!!!!!
Today we had an appointment with the midwife. Just a basic weight and development check up.
Zane, is a chubby 11lbs 1oz! He is now gaining an average of 2oz a DAY! I guess my milk is doing it's job and keeping my boy growing and healthy! I still have to remind myself daily to drink enough water and eat!
He can lift his head and hold it there for longer than he should. =) Every time someone sees him or holds him, they comment on how strong the little bugger is!
Zane had his 1 month pictures taken on Monday. We wont get them back until October 4th, when I do, I will post them, because as always, he is a cutie!
And, last but not least, he is smiling!!!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
3 weeks old!!!
Happy 3 week birthday little man!
Yesterday we had an appointment with the midwife for his 2 week check up. A little late, but better late than never!
He had his hearing screening. He passed on his left ear, but his right got a Refer. It doesn't mean that he can't hear out of that ear, but that it could have wax, or something else making it fail. So next Friday we go to the hearing clinic to have it tested.
My big boy really IS a big boy! At birth he weighed 8lbs 8oz. On day one he dropped to 7lbs 13oz. Then on day 3 he was back UP to 8lbs even!
Well, yesterday he was 9lbs 9oz!! That is a 1lbs 1oz gain in 3 weeks! Way to go Zane!!
He has been really gassy the last few days. I am not sure what got to him, but we are trying different things. First was Kolic, which is Gripe Water. It did ok, but you could still see he was in distress and farting up a storm. Today I got him some Ovol drops. We will see how they work. He also took a nice warm bath last night, but then proceeded to cry like a mad man after I took him out, which totally screwed up the relaxing effect it had.
Now, due to this gas, he did not take his typical afternoon nap yesterday. Instead, he nursed and cat napped all day. The longest he was asleep for was about 5 minutes. The poor guy would drift off, make a face and wake up wanting to nurse for comfort.
I changed a LOT of wet diapers yesterday.
I thought the night would be pure hell.
It was the opposite! We went to bed at 9:45pm, Zane nursed and went to sleep right around 10pm. I figured we would be up soon, so I went right to sleep myself. At 2:21 I woke up in a panic. OH MY GOD!!! Where is the baby!!!!? Why hasn't he woken me up! Oh, there he is. Sound asleep. I tried to nurse him, but he wasn't having it. He was exhausted. He just wanted to sleep! So, I went back to sleep as well. At 3:30am he started fussing a little, but still wasn't awake. Let out a few good farts and continued on in dream land. Finally about 4am he woke up and was a little fussy. I changed his very wet diaper, and he finally ate. I thought I was going to explode at this time, so I was happy to get a little relief.
He slept fitfully until about 6am when I finally just held him in one arm and we both fell dead asleep once again.
He is now happily sleeping in his swing.
Here are some pictures of when my parents came for a visit, and from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
Oh, I have lost 24-25 lbs so far! I am negative 8lbs! Yea me!!

Yesterday we had an appointment with the midwife for his 2 week check up. A little late, but better late than never!
He had his hearing screening. He passed on his left ear, but his right got a Refer. It doesn't mean that he can't hear out of that ear, but that it could have wax, or something else making it fail. So next Friday we go to the hearing clinic to have it tested.
My big boy really IS a big boy! At birth he weighed 8lbs 8oz. On day one he dropped to 7lbs 13oz. Then on day 3 he was back UP to 8lbs even!
Well, yesterday he was 9lbs 9oz!! That is a 1lbs 1oz gain in 3 weeks! Way to go Zane!!
He has been really gassy the last few days. I am not sure what got to him, but we are trying different things. First was Kolic, which is Gripe Water. It did ok, but you could still see he was in distress and farting up a storm. Today I got him some Ovol drops. We will see how they work. He also took a nice warm bath last night, but then proceeded to cry like a mad man after I took him out, which totally screwed up the relaxing effect it had.
Now, due to this gas, he did not take his typical afternoon nap yesterday. Instead, he nursed and cat napped all day. The longest he was asleep for was about 5 minutes. The poor guy would drift off, make a face and wake up wanting to nurse for comfort.
I changed a LOT of wet diapers yesterday.
I thought the night would be pure hell.
It was the opposite! We went to bed at 9:45pm, Zane nursed and went to sleep right around 10pm. I figured we would be up soon, so I went right to sleep myself. At 2:21 I woke up in a panic. OH MY GOD!!! Where is the baby!!!!? Why hasn't he woken me up! Oh, there he is. Sound asleep. I tried to nurse him, but he wasn't having it. He was exhausted. He just wanted to sleep! So, I went back to sleep as well. At 3:30am he started fussing a little, but still wasn't awake. Let out a few good farts and continued on in dream land. Finally about 4am he woke up and was a little fussy. I changed his very wet diaper, and he finally ate. I thought I was going to explode at this time, so I was happy to get a little relief.
He slept fitfully until about 6am when I finally just held him in one arm and we both fell dead asleep once again.
He is now happily sleeping in his swing.
Here are some pictures of when my parents came for a visit, and from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
Oh, I have lost 24-25 lbs so far! I am negative 8lbs! Yea me!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Birth Part 3, Friday
AAAHHHH!!!! God bless who ever invented the epidural.
I was high from the Nubain and feeling nothing from my boobs down from the epidural. I was human again. I told Fang I loved her.
7:30 I was checked and found to be 5cm! Yea!!!!
8am My contractions started to slow down. From every 2 minutes to 4, to 7... So they decided to start pitocin to get things going again.
Something was wrong with the pump. Finally the 3rd pump they brought in worked and we got the pitocin started at 10am.
Lena was coming in and I got some ice chips as my mouth was like the desert. Sooo dry and I was exhuasted from the last few hours.
The nurse, Yu May said she would be back to check me in a bit. At 11:30 I told her I was feeling pressure, so she checked and I was fully dilated!!! I couldn't believe it! In 4 or so hours I had dilated 5 cm!! Go Erin!
She told me they were going to let the contractions bring his head down a little more before trying to do any pushing. I agreed and had to breath through the pressure and the urge to push.
At 12:13 we started pushing to see how I would do. I was not a good pusher at this point. I just wasn't sure how hard, how long and where to be pushing at. You think you just push, but you don't. It's a very targeted area that you need to be pushing into.
I was feeling a lot of pain on one side, so we rolled me over again and tried pushing that way. No good. So we breathed through another few contractions until I just couldn't not push. I HAD to push.
I kept saying I had to poop! They were like, that is what it feels like, but you really don't. It's the babies head putting pressure.
I pushed, and pushed and pushed. It would bring his head down, then go back up, down, up. Lena was there and was saying, I SEE HIS HEAD!!!! Jay was peeking too. He was on my left side holding my leg for me as I pushed, and Yu May was on my right.
Husnia at some point snuck in and was fanning me trying to encourage me.
We asked the nurse when we thought he would be born, she said 1:30. Well, 1:30 came and went. I was pressing my epi button and breathing, pushing, breathing pushing.. ice chips.
Finally he crowned and they called in Fang and the on call OB. I was pushing and they were yelling at me to do it harder, better. I felt I couldn't concentrate so I asked for quiet. That did it!
I was in a zone at that point. I know they kicked Husnia out at some point but I have no idea who was in the room. I think there was the on call OB, the resident, Yu May, and two other nurses, plus Jay and Lena.
Husnia managed to hide behind the curtain and kept peeking.
I was so tired from pushing for 2 hours that I asked for a vacuum assist. They got it on and I gave one HUGE push and out popped his head!!! WOW, what a relief that was! They twisted him a little, PUSHED again and out came his shoulders and body!!!!!! 2:20p, THE BURNING!!! I had torn down there. Everyone was like, OMG he is HUGE!!! No wonder you were in such pain! Jay cut the cord and they took him off to my right to clean him up and suction. He swallowed a lot of fluid and blood. But he was ok!
I delivered the placenta, and they stitched me up. I was still in shock over the fact that I actually did it!!
A lot went on that I wasn't that aware of. 20 minutes later they placed him on my chest, He was very alert! We tried to nurse but he just wasn't interested, so we just cuddled. They got me decent and everyone came in to see him.
8lbs 8oz, 19 3/4" long 14.5" head 2:20pm on August 20th, 2010.
Lena was soo proud that she got to see the whole thing!!
We got to see the placenta and Fang gave us a really cool informational session on it.
I got some food from home, and they also gave me hospital food. I swear I drank 3 or more bottles of water, 2 things of apple juice and couldn't wait to get more!
We were allowed to go home 4 hours after the birth. They made sure I could walk, and that everything was ok. I got home, hopped in the shower, got into bed and slept, ate, nursed...

I was high from the Nubain and feeling nothing from my boobs down from the epidural. I was human again. I told Fang I loved her.
7:30 I was checked and found to be 5cm! Yea!!!!
8am My contractions started to slow down. From every 2 minutes to 4, to 7... So they decided to start pitocin to get things going again.
Something was wrong with the pump. Finally the 3rd pump they brought in worked and we got the pitocin started at 10am.
Lena was coming in and I got some ice chips as my mouth was like the desert. Sooo dry and I was exhuasted from the last few hours.
The nurse, Yu May said she would be back to check me in a bit. At 11:30 I told her I was feeling pressure, so she checked and I was fully dilated!!! I couldn't believe it! In 4 or so hours I had dilated 5 cm!! Go Erin!
She told me they were going to let the contractions bring his head down a little more before trying to do any pushing. I agreed and had to breath through the pressure and the urge to push.
At 12:13 we started pushing to see how I would do. I was not a good pusher at this point. I just wasn't sure how hard, how long and where to be pushing at. You think you just push, but you don't. It's a very targeted area that you need to be pushing into.
I was feeling a lot of pain on one side, so we rolled me over again and tried pushing that way. No good. So we breathed through another few contractions until I just couldn't not push. I HAD to push.
I kept saying I had to poop! They were like, that is what it feels like, but you really don't. It's the babies head putting pressure.
I pushed, and pushed and pushed. It would bring his head down, then go back up, down, up. Lena was there and was saying, I SEE HIS HEAD!!!! Jay was peeking too. He was on my left side holding my leg for me as I pushed, and Yu May was on my right.
Husnia at some point snuck in and was fanning me trying to encourage me.
We asked the nurse when we thought he would be born, she said 1:30. Well, 1:30 came and went. I was pressing my epi button and breathing, pushing, breathing pushing.. ice chips.
Finally he crowned and they called in Fang and the on call OB. I was pushing and they were yelling at me to do it harder, better. I felt I couldn't concentrate so I asked for quiet. That did it!
I was in a zone at that point. I know they kicked Husnia out at some point but I have no idea who was in the room. I think there was the on call OB, the resident, Yu May, and two other nurses, plus Jay and Lena.
Husnia managed to hide behind the curtain and kept peeking.
I was so tired from pushing for 2 hours that I asked for a vacuum assist. They got it on and I gave one HUGE push and out popped his head!!! WOW, what a relief that was! They twisted him a little, PUSHED again and out came his shoulders and body!!!!!! 2:20p, THE BURNING!!! I had torn down there. Everyone was like, OMG he is HUGE!!! No wonder you were in such pain! Jay cut the cord and they took him off to my right to clean him up and suction. He swallowed a lot of fluid and blood. But he was ok!
I delivered the placenta, and they stitched me up. I was still in shock over the fact that I actually did it!!
A lot went on that I wasn't that aware of. 20 minutes later they placed him on my chest, He was very alert! We tried to nurse but he just wasn't interested, so we just cuddled. They got me decent and everyone came in to see him.
8lbs 8oz, 19 3/4" long 14.5" head 2:20pm on August 20th, 2010.
Lena was soo proud that she got to see the whole thing!!
We got to see the placenta and Fang gave us a really cool informational session on it.
I got some food from home, and they also gave me hospital food. I swear I drank 3 or more bottles of water, 2 things of apple juice and couldn't wait to get more!
We were allowed to go home 4 hours after the birth. They made sure I could walk, and that everything was ok. I got home, hopped in the shower, got into bed and slept, ate, nursed...
Birth Part 2, Friday
Fang called back and asked me some questions, was the fluid clear, how was I feeling... It was clear, I felt fine, just excited. She told me to try to rest, eat lightly and if she doesn't hear from me, she would see me at 9am to check me.
We called Alaa and told him to be on stand by. Holy cow, they were soooo excited! So we wandered down the hall to let them know what was going on.
I kept having gushes of fluid and slowly but surely, it was turning colored. CRAP.
at midnight I called Fang back to let her know that the fluid was turning colored. She said she would be right over. So I walked around and around trying to keep myself busy. Doing a few things like making sure my bag was packed, Lena's was full of snacks and her i-Pod was in there as well as her DSi.
12:30 Fang showed up and so did my contractions. Every 5 minutes already! From nothing to HELLO labour! She examined me and found that I was 1cm dilated and sure enough, there was meconium. She said we needed to get to the hospital ASAP to get me hooked up to the monitors. I asked if I could shower, she said, sorry no. We needed to go now. So Jay gathered up Lena, took her down the hall to Alaa and Khuloods house, I got dressed and texted my parents. Made sure that the guys got all my stuff and headed down stairs to the waiting car. Had to breath through more contractions, still 5 minutes apart.
Called my dad to say we were on our way to the hospital. It was 1:20am.
Having contractions in the car is not fun. It's just plain uncomfortable. We pulled up to the emergency entrance and they helped me out. Fang met us and got us up to the maternity ward. 2am I had to stop at the reception to breath though another contraction. The anaesthesiologist was right there and asked if I would be getting an epidural. I told him I had to wait for my blood test results as I had a low platelet count.
We got into our room and undressed, into bed, got things hooked up, IV, baby monitors. Blood pressure... all that. Still contracting. Bloody show, more fluid..
The Vampire showed up and took my blood and said it should only be about 30 minutes. WHEW I thought! She was wrong. Very wrong.
Lena was getting anxious to come to the hospital and it wasn't long before Alaa, Khulood and Lena were in the hospital room. I was still able to breath through the contractions and was talking to them.
With in an hour, things got bad. My contractions started getting much closer together, about 2-3 minutes apart and very very strong. We tried breathing through them, but I couldn't. I kept asking where the blood results were and Fang kept running out to check on them. She was getting irritated that they were taking so long.
I couldn't handle the pain much more. She got some laughing gas to try to help me though them. I was on the edge of the bed barely making it, trying to breath the gas in. Deep breath in, slow breath out. Deep in, slow out. Then, I started to throw up. Plus, I kept having to get up to pee!
About 3:30 am I was in so much pain in my back and my bladder area we were worried that my c/s scar might be tearing. Fang ran to check the blood results and to consult the on call OB.
I was begging at this point to get the c/s. Screw the VBAC! I didn't care any more! Just kill me. I was groaning through each contraction. They were 2 minutes apart and off the charts strong. Finally Fang came in with 2 shots. One of Nubain and another for the vomiting. The Nubain ONLY helped me to relax in between the contractions, but did nothing for the contraction pain. Still more yelling, groaning...
Poor Jay. He stood by my side the whole time encouraging me, letting me break his fingers off.
Lena came in a few times but I asked her to please leave. I couldn't handle her seeing me like that. At some point I was checked and I was 3-4 cm. I was sooo freaking happy to hear that. Finally the blood test results came in! Fang ran to get the anaesthesiologist. He was on his way to an emergency C/S and it would be a while.
6am he showed up. An hour after the blood tests came in. He got me sitting up and got the blessed thing in. Instantly my legs went all warm and tingly. He showed me the control button, to give myself more if I needed it, and to not me shy about pressing it. I was still feeling pain on my left side, so they had me roll over to help the drugs flow to that side better.
We called Alaa and told him to be on stand by. Holy cow, they were soooo excited! So we wandered down the hall to let them know what was going on.
I kept having gushes of fluid and slowly but surely, it was turning colored. CRAP.
at midnight I called Fang back to let her know that the fluid was turning colored. She said she would be right over. So I walked around and around trying to keep myself busy. Doing a few things like making sure my bag was packed, Lena's was full of snacks and her i-Pod was in there as well as her DSi.
12:30 Fang showed up and so did my contractions. Every 5 minutes already! From nothing to HELLO labour! She examined me and found that I was 1cm dilated and sure enough, there was meconium. She said we needed to get to the hospital ASAP to get me hooked up to the monitors. I asked if I could shower, she said, sorry no. We needed to go now. So Jay gathered up Lena, took her down the hall to Alaa and Khuloods house, I got dressed and texted my parents. Made sure that the guys got all my stuff and headed down stairs to the waiting car. Had to breath through more contractions, still 5 minutes apart.
Called my dad to say we were on our way to the hospital. It was 1:20am.
Having contractions in the car is not fun. It's just plain uncomfortable. We pulled up to the emergency entrance and they helped me out. Fang met us and got us up to the maternity ward. 2am I had to stop at the reception to breath though another contraction. The anaesthesiologist was right there and asked if I would be getting an epidural. I told him I had to wait for my blood test results as I had a low platelet count.
We got into our room and undressed, into bed, got things hooked up, IV, baby monitors. Blood pressure... all that. Still contracting. Bloody show, more fluid..
The Vampire showed up and took my blood and said it should only be about 30 minutes. WHEW I thought! She was wrong. Very wrong.
Lena was getting anxious to come to the hospital and it wasn't long before Alaa, Khulood and Lena were in the hospital room. I was still able to breath through the contractions and was talking to them.
With in an hour, things got bad. My contractions started getting much closer together, about 2-3 minutes apart and very very strong. We tried breathing through them, but I couldn't. I kept asking where the blood results were and Fang kept running out to check on them. She was getting irritated that they were taking so long.
I couldn't handle the pain much more. She got some laughing gas to try to help me though them. I was on the edge of the bed barely making it, trying to breath the gas in. Deep breath in, slow breath out. Deep in, slow out. Then, I started to throw up. Plus, I kept having to get up to pee!
About 3:30 am I was in so much pain in my back and my bladder area we were worried that my c/s scar might be tearing. Fang ran to check the blood results and to consult the on call OB.
I was begging at this point to get the c/s. Screw the VBAC! I didn't care any more! Just kill me. I was groaning through each contraction. They were 2 minutes apart and off the charts strong. Finally Fang came in with 2 shots. One of Nubain and another for the vomiting. The Nubain ONLY helped me to relax in between the contractions, but did nothing for the contraction pain. Still more yelling, groaning...
Poor Jay. He stood by my side the whole time encouraging me, letting me break his fingers off.
Lena came in a few times but I asked her to please leave. I couldn't handle her seeing me like that. At some point I was checked and I was 3-4 cm. I was sooo freaking happy to hear that. Finally the blood test results came in! Fang ran to get the anaesthesiologist. He was on his way to an emergency C/S and it would be a while.
6am he showed up. An hour after the blood tests came in. He got me sitting up and got the blessed thing in. Instantly my legs went all warm and tingly. He showed me the control button, to give myself more if I needed it, and to not me shy about pressing it. I was still feeling pain on my left side, so they had me roll over to help the drugs flow to that side better.
Birth Part 1, Thursday
I am going to have to back track to give everyone a full idea of how things began labour wise.
Thursday I decided to make sure things were in order around the house. I knew I would be induced on Saturday and just wanted the house clean, and the cupboards stocked.
I was in pain pretty much all day. Those Braxton Hicks were a killer. They were not regular at all, going from mildly irritating to OMG!! BREATHE! I had to pee every 10 minutes through out the day. The pressure was getting really bad and I was just plain uncomfortable. At one point during the day Lena and I went to Foodland to do the shopping. I was walking really really REALLY slow and just taking my time. I got the food and lugged my shopping buggy home. The BH's were really bad by the time I got home. I abandoned the food and hopped in the shower hoping to ease things up a little. It helped some. I got things put away and rested.
We finally headed off to bed at 10:30. I slept for about 30 minutes when I had to pee once again and just could not get comfortable. I got up and came out to the living room and sat on the couch thinking, Ugh, I can't wait for my tests tomorrow. Maybe they will keep me and I can get this over with!
Turned on the TV, complained to Jay about how much bladder pressure there was. I moved to the other side of the couch thinking a change in sides might help. Well.... at 11:30 there was a weird "CLICK" feeling down below and GUSH!
I said OH!!!!! grabbed my crotch and made a bee line for the bathroom.
Jay was like WHAT!!!??? WHAT IS WRONG!! He thought I fell or something.
I sat there for a bit, got some fresh panties and just kind of pondered the fact that things were really happening!
I called my midwife, explained that my water just broke and to call and let me know what to do.
Thursday I decided to make sure things were in order around the house. I knew I would be induced on Saturday and just wanted the house clean, and the cupboards stocked.
I was in pain pretty much all day. Those Braxton Hicks were a killer. They were not regular at all, going from mildly irritating to OMG!! BREATHE! I had to pee every 10 minutes through out the day. The pressure was getting really bad and I was just plain uncomfortable. At one point during the day Lena and I went to Foodland to do the shopping. I was walking really really REALLY slow and just taking my time. I got the food and lugged my shopping buggy home. The BH's were really bad by the time I got home. I abandoned the food and hopped in the shower hoping to ease things up a little. It helped some. I got things put away and rested.
We finally headed off to bed at 10:30. I slept for about 30 minutes when I had to pee once again and just could not get comfortable. I got up and came out to the living room and sat on the couch thinking, Ugh, I can't wait for my tests tomorrow. Maybe they will keep me and I can get this over with!
Turned on the TV, complained to Jay about how much bladder pressure there was. I moved to the other side of the couch thinking a change in sides might help. Well.... at 11:30 there was a weird "CLICK" feeling down below and GUSH!
I said OH!!!!! grabbed my crotch and made a bee line for the bathroom.
Jay was like WHAT!!!??? WHAT IS WRONG!! He thought I fell or something.
I sat there for a bit, got some fresh panties and just kind of pondered the fact that things were really happening!
I called my midwife, explained that my water just broke and to call and let me know what to do.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
4am and Starving
Well, I am now 6 days past my due date. Never thought I would still be pregnant at this point. Especially with all the false labour I have been having these last weeks.
First, I want to say thank you to Umpti Husnia for sending over the container of Maklube. When one very pregnant woman (Me! Hi!(waving)) wakes up in pain again at 4am, sometimes the tummy starts to grumble. I opened the fridge and what do I find waiting. AAHHHH, Maklube! I just finished my second bowl. Baby Boy is now happily "munching" away on it.
I saw my midwife today. I am up another 1.5 lbs. Sigh. I should be glad that I have gained a total of 17 1/2 lbs this entire pregnancy right? I just feel HUGE. Like every other pregnant woman out there. My feet were sooo swollen the other day, the jiggled when I walked. It was gross. It seems to have gone down though, for the time being.
My blood pressure is a little elevated, but nothing to be concerned with. Baby Boy's HB was good as well.
I am not dilated, but very soft, like the rest of me. I am beginning to wonder if my body just doesn't know what the heck to do!
Friday morning I am scheduled for a Non-Stress Test an Ultra-sound and an OB consult. I will be 41 weeks. It's all to make sure Bub is doing ok and isn't too stressed out in there. I am sure they will freak me out with his estimated weight, but I have to remind myself that my 6lbs15oz daughter was said to be over 9lbs at birth.
Tomorrow I am going to get things in order in the house. My parents are arriving on Sunday after a nice journey across the States. I need to clean the house, wash the dog if I can... and grab some groceries. I already did my laundry, and my bags are packed! Not much else to do but sit around and wait. =P
First, I want to say thank you to Umpti Husnia for sending over the container of Maklube. When one very pregnant woman (Me! Hi!(waving)) wakes up in pain again at 4am, sometimes the tummy starts to grumble. I opened the fridge and what do I find waiting. AAHHHH, Maklube! I just finished my second bowl. Baby Boy is now happily "munching" away on it.
I saw my midwife today. I am up another 1.5 lbs. Sigh. I should be glad that I have gained a total of 17 1/2 lbs this entire pregnancy right? I just feel HUGE. Like every other pregnant woman out there. My feet were sooo swollen the other day, the jiggled when I walked. It was gross. It seems to have gone down though, for the time being.
My blood pressure is a little elevated, but nothing to be concerned with. Baby Boy's HB was good as well.
I am not dilated, but very soft, like the rest of me. I am beginning to wonder if my body just doesn't know what the heck to do!
Friday morning I am scheduled for a Non-Stress Test an Ultra-sound and an OB consult. I will be 41 weeks. It's all to make sure Bub is doing ok and isn't too stressed out in there. I am sure they will freak me out with his estimated weight, but I have to remind myself that my 6lbs15oz daughter was said to be over 9lbs at birth.
Tomorrow I am going to get things in order in the house. My parents are arriving on Sunday after a nice journey across the States. I need to clean the house, wash the dog if I can... and grab some groceries. I already did my laundry, and my bags are packed! Not much else to do but sit around and wait. =P
Friday, August 13, 2010
40 weeks
Well, today is D day. My due date is here.
I have spent most of the week in false labour. It's getting really really old. I remember having maybe 2 episode of it with Lena, but it lasted an hour. This, this is all day, all night type of stuff. Just when I think they are getting regular, they start spacing out again.
We went out to dinner last night to Red Lobster. I am so glad we did. I have been wanting to get out for one final dinner. We went with the family. Service wasn't that great, begging for water and cheddar rolls shouldn't have to be done. Baby Boy put on a show for everyone. We laughed that he could smell the food and was excited. I had 3 braxton hicks while eating. We even pulled a mean trick on Alaa. At the end of dinner we girls got up to use the washroom. I told Khulood it would be funny to trick Alaa and tell him my water broke. So they went running out of the washroom and told him, Erin!! Her water broke!!!! He came running! I came out laughing! I couldn't believe they did that. I was just kidding!
I came home, drank my Raspberry Leaf Tea, took my Evening Primrose Oil, and eventually went to bed. Once again about 2:30am I was woken up by more braxton hicks. One was super painful. Jay was snoring like no tomorrow, so I ended up getting up for a little, drank some water and went back to bed only for things to start all over again. What is with them coming when I need to sleep!
Now, on the good side of things, Lena has become addicted to swimming. We found out that our sister building next door has the only outdoor pool left in the neighbourhood. We have been going every day when possible. The water is way too cold for me. But you know kids. They don't seem to care! Yesterday we were there for 2 1/2 HOURS! Some of her friends were there and they were just having way too much fun together. I have a feeling we will be back again today! Unless Baby Boy finally gives up for a more spacious area...
I have spent most of the week in false labour. It's getting really really old. I remember having maybe 2 episode of it with Lena, but it lasted an hour. This, this is all day, all night type of stuff. Just when I think they are getting regular, they start spacing out again.
We went out to dinner last night to Red Lobster. I am so glad we did. I have been wanting to get out for one final dinner. We went with the family. Service wasn't that great, begging for water and cheddar rolls shouldn't have to be done. Baby Boy put on a show for everyone. We laughed that he could smell the food and was excited. I had 3 braxton hicks while eating. We even pulled a mean trick on Alaa. At the end of dinner we girls got up to use the washroom. I told Khulood it would be funny to trick Alaa and tell him my water broke. So they went running out of the washroom and told him, Erin!! Her water broke!!!! He came running! I came out laughing! I couldn't believe they did that. I was just kidding!
I came home, drank my Raspberry Leaf Tea, took my Evening Primrose Oil, and eventually went to bed. Once again about 2:30am I was woken up by more braxton hicks. One was super painful. Jay was snoring like no tomorrow, so I ended up getting up for a little, drank some water and went back to bed only for things to start all over again. What is with them coming when I need to sleep!
Now, on the good side of things, Lena has become addicted to swimming. We found out that our sister building next door has the only outdoor pool left in the neighbourhood. We have been going every day when possible. The water is way too cold for me. But you know kids. They don't seem to care! Yesterday we were there for 2 1/2 HOURS! Some of her friends were there and they were just having way too much fun together. I have a feeling we will be back again today! Unless Baby Boy finally gives up for a more spacious area...
Friday, August 6, 2010
38/39 week appointment
After my fiasco last week, I got a phone call yesterday saying another lady was in labour and they had to move my appointment to today. Dumb babies!
I didn't gain anything, in fact I lost a few ounces, but they don't count that or care really. =) My blood pressure what slightly up, 120/ 76 but still in the normal range. It's common for your blood pressure to rise at the end of the pregnancy anyway. I am measuring about 40 weeks, which doesn't surprise me in the least. The ultrasound date said my due date is on Monday after all.
His heart rate sounded good as well.
Now, the excellent news. My platelet count went up! It's now 104 and hopefully will continue to increase! It is a HUGE relief to know this.
We talked about the Vitamin K shot given and the eye goop to prevent infections. And the Newborn screening done on day 3. It screens for 27 different rare diseases.
We also discussed what will happen if I go over my due date. Laurie, the midwife, said next week if we want we can check my cervix and do a membrane sweep. I will play that by ear. I lost some of my mucus plug at the beginning of the week, so I believe the Evening Primrose Oil I have been taking has been doing it's job.
She said that typically the hospital wont do inductions before 41w3d. BUT given my circumstances they might allow me to do it earlier. IF it comes to that. I told her I would be coming home to do jumping jacks. She goes off on call on the 16th, so I MUST deliver before then!!! Do you hear that Baby Boy!!!! Get out of me!!!
I didn't gain anything, in fact I lost a few ounces, but they don't count that or care really. =) My blood pressure what slightly up, 120/ 76 but still in the normal range. It's common for your blood pressure to rise at the end of the pregnancy anyway. I am measuring about 40 weeks, which doesn't surprise me in the least. The ultrasound date said my due date is on Monday after all.
His heart rate sounded good as well.
Now, the excellent news. My platelet count went up! It's now 104 and hopefully will continue to increase! It is a HUGE relief to know this.
We talked about the Vitamin K shot given and the eye goop to prevent infections. And the Newborn screening done on day 3. It screens for 27 different rare diseases.
We also discussed what will happen if I go over my due date. Laurie, the midwife, said next week if we want we can check my cervix and do a membrane sweep. I will play that by ear. I lost some of my mucus plug at the beginning of the week, so I believe the Evening Primrose Oil I have been taking has been doing it's job.
She said that typically the hospital wont do inductions before 41w3d. BUT given my circumstances they might allow me to do it earlier. IF it comes to that. I told her I would be coming home to do jumping jacks. She goes off on call on the 16th, so I MUST deliver before then!!! Do you hear that Baby Boy!!!! Get out of me!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
37/38 week appointment
We all trooped over to visit the midwife today.
Everything is normal as usual. I gained 2 more pounds this week, up to 14 lbs now. Baby Boy is measuring on target and his heart rate is good. So is my blood pressure at 110/66. And Strep B negative.
We got blood drawn today to do a platelet count, wish me luck on that one.
So, nothing spectacular to report over here.
I have a numb patch on my stomach. Does that count as exciting news?
We have the bag all packed and a check list for Jay for when the time comes. I also just double checked the car seat manual to make sure I know how to install it in the cab, or whose ever car, if family picks us up.
Laurie went over the fact that recovery will take place at home, so make sure to be prepared for that.
Otherwise, I go back next week again, and the week after.... It's just a waiting game!
Everything is normal as usual. I gained 2 more pounds this week, up to 14 lbs now. Baby Boy is measuring on target and his heart rate is good. So is my blood pressure at 110/66. And Strep B negative.
We got blood drawn today to do a platelet count, wish me luck on that one.
So, nothing spectacular to report over here.
I have a numb patch on my stomach. Does that count as exciting news?
We have the bag all packed and a check list for Jay for when the time comes. I also just double checked the car seat manual to make sure I know how to install it in the cab, or whose ever car, if family picks us up.
Laurie went over the fact that recovery will take place at home, so make sure to be prepared for that.
Otherwise, I go back next week again, and the week after.... It's just a waiting game!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
False Labor
What a long long day it was yesterday. I woke up at 7:30 with a leg cramp. Jumped out of bed to walk it out. Jay woke up to ask if I was having contractions and I said, No, just a leg cramp. Well, about 2 minutes later contractions started. So I went back and told him I lied. That was the start of a loooooong day.
I came out to the livingroom and tried timing them. They were coming at various strengths anywhere from 5 minutes to 8 minutes apart. Some were strong, some where like eh... But the main thing was, they would not go away! I finally got in the shower, which is supposed to help. Drank tea, did all that stuff. Nothing was touching them. So I called Laurie, my midwife at noon. I told the receptionist what was happening and she said OMG! And patched me through to Laurie.
She said I could come in early (I had an appointment at 3:30) and get checked to see if I was dilating, but the fact that I was not passing any (TMI) mucus, or water or anything, that it sounded more like Braxton Hicks and to try to just lie down for an hour, get some gatorade and to call her back.
So I take off for bed and manage to nap. She called me back at 2 to check on me and to say that she had to cancel my appointment because someone else actually DID go into labor!
I hung out for a little longer as Lena was bored out of her mind and driving me crazy. The contractions seemed to have finally stopped so we headed to No Frills. All I could think about all day was the groceries and the laundry that needed to be done BEFORE Baby Boy gets here!
I had a few more contractions through the rest of the day and just a handful last night. So far this morning, I feel fine.
It's funny because Monday I was nesting like crazy! I moved things, mopped, dusted, you name it. Then Tuesday Lena and I went shopping, she went swimming, then I cut her hair, and then went to the park.
I was going to wait until my appointment today to post my 37 week picture but being that today I am 37 weeks and 6 days, I will post it and then take my 38 week tomorrow. See if we can see any changes.
I came out to the livingroom and tried timing them. They were coming at various strengths anywhere from 5 minutes to 8 minutes apart. Some were strong, some where like eh... But the main thing was, they would not go away! I finally got in the shower, which is supposed to help. Drank tea, did all that stuff. Nothing was touching them. So I called Laurie, my midwife at noon. I told the receptionist what was happening and she said OMG! And patched me through to Laurie.
She said I could come in early (I had an appointment at 3:30) and get checked to see if I was dilating, but the fact that I was not passing any (TMI) mucus, or water or anything, that it sounded more like Braxton Hicks and to try to just lie down for an hour, get some gatorade and to call her back.
So I take off for bed and manage to nap. She called me back at 2 to check on me and to say that she had to cancel my appointment because someone else actually DID go into labor!
I hung out for a little longer as Lena was bored out of her mind and driving me crazy. The contractions seemed to have finally stopped so we headed to No Frills. All I could think about all day was the groceries and the laundry that needed to be done BEFORE Baby Boy gets here!
I had a few more contractions through the rest of the day and just a handful last night. So far this morning, I feel fine.
It's funny because Monday I was nesting like crazy! I moved things, mopped, dusted, you name it. Then Tuesday Lena and I went shopping, she went swimming, then I cut her hair, and then went to the park.
I was going to wait until my appointment today to post my 37 week picture but being that today I am 37 weeks and 6 days, I will post it and then take my 38 week tomorrow. See if we can see any changes.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
36 week appointment
I went in today for my 36.4 week appointment. I gained 2lbs (total of 12lbs so far) in the last 2 weeks, I am sure some of that is water weight. Blood pressure was 110/60. Measuring about 38 weeks.
But, what has us all worried is my platelet count. I went in and had the routine blood work done in June, my iron came back just dandy, but they said my blood coagulated before they could get an accurate platelet count. It was 123 (123,000), which is low. So they sent me back to retest. It came back at 99 (99,000)!
The average is 150-200. So now I have to retest again next week and more than likely every week until I go into labour.
They said that most anesthesiologists wont do an epidural on someone who's platelet count is below 100, most wont do it below 150 if they can help it. Which also means that if for some reason I end up needing a c/s I will have to go under general. That just makes me want to cry.
It can cause excessive bleeding after birth.
They said as long as my iron levels stay high, it should be ok. That more than likely it's just a pregnancy related drop, and it will go back up after birth. But my midwife suggested I look into Tissue Salts. I found a pharmacy that carries them, but I have to call my midwife back to see which ones I need.
Of course if it continues to go down, then I get to go see a blood specialist.
Fun stuff I tell ya! Otherwise, all is well. OH, and they said my Rh- has nothing to do with delayed cord clamping and they prefer to delay anyway. =)
OH OH OH! The midwife I want will be the one to deliver!!!! So half good news, and half bad today!
Here is a bad picture of me at 36 weeks.
But, what has us all worried is my platelet count. I went in and had the routine blood work done in June, my iron came back just dandy, but they said my blood coagulated before they could get an accurate platelet count. It was 123 (123,000), which is low. So they sent me back to retest. It came back at 99 (99,000)!
The average is 150-200. So now I have to retest again next week and more than likely every week until I go into labour.
They said that most anesthesiologists wont do an epidural on someone who's platelet count is below 100, most wont do it below 150 if they can help it. Which also means that if for some reason I end up needing a c/s I will have to go under general. That just makes me want to cry.
It can cause excessive bleeding after birth.
They said as long as my iron levels stay high, it should be ok. That more than likely it's just a pregnancy related drop, and it will go back up after birth. But my midwife suggested I look into Tissue Salts. I found a pharmacy that carries them, but I have to call my midwife back to see which ones I need.
Of course if it continues to go down, then I get to go see a blood specialist.
Fun stuff I tell ya! Otherwise, all is well. OH, and they said my Rh- has nothing to do with delayed cord clamping and they prefer to delay anyway. =)
OH OH OH! The midwife I want will be the one to deliver!!!! So half good news, and half bad today!
Here is a bad picture of me at 36 weeks.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The end is near!
It's hard to believe that the end is soooo close! 25 days according to my ticker. It's amazing how fast things are going now that August is around the corner.
Saturday evening I had some contractions from hell. Lena hovered over me with the phone telling me that she was going to call the midwife if I didn't knock it off. The whole thing caught me by surprise. The entire thing lasted about 5 hours. Totally untimeable, unpredictable, and down right irritating.
By the morning, I had gotten up every single hour to pee and check on myself to make sure nothing new was happening. And I was fine. Like nothing had happened! Baby boy seems soo low to me right now, which is a strange feeling being that Lena's head never engaged. I have a nice waddle going on now too.
Sunday I woke up feeling right as rain, as the saying goes. We headed off to Brimley beach with the whole family and just sat around all day enjoying the cooler weather that we have been blessed with this week and watched my feet swell up.
I woke up this morning with tons of energy and made sure that it wasn't wasted. I straightened up a few things that had been bothering me. Walked to Foodland while Lena roller skated, took out the recycling as it was building up. And walked down the block and back to bring Lena's friend over for a play date. Then. It hit me. I wound up sleeping almost the entire time her friend was over. Thank goodness they are really good little girls and don't get into trouble.
Although Lena's favorite saying right now is "No one loves me any more". She kids of course... I think anyway.
Friday we are going to see the new Ramona and Beezus movie! Yea!
Tomorrow is my midwife appointment. Can't wait to see the 15lbs I gained in the last 2 weeks... =(
Saturday evening I had some contractions from hell. Lena hovered over me with the phone telling me that she was going to call the midwife if I didn't knock it off. The whole thing caught me by surprise. The entire thing lasted about 5 hours. Totally untimeable, unpredictable, and down right irritating.
By the morning, I had gotten up every single hour to pee and check on myself to make sure nothing new was happening. And I was fine. Like nothing had happened! Baby boy seems soo low to me right now, which is a strange feeling being that Lena's head never engaged. I have a nice waddle going on now too.
Sunday I woke up feeling right as rain, as the saying goes. We headed off to Brimley beach with the whole family and just sat around all day enjoying the cooler weather that we have been blessed with this week and watched my feet swell up.
I woke up this morning with tons of energy and made sure that it wasn't wasted. I straightened up a few things that had been bothering me. Walked to Foodland while Lena roller skated, took out the recycling as it was building up. And walked down the block and back to bring Lena's friend over for a play date. Then. It hit me. I wound up sleeping almost the entire time her friend was over. Thank goodness they are really good little girls and don't get into trouble.
Although Lena's favorite saying right now is "No one loves me any more". She kids of course... I think anyway.
Friday we are going to see the new Ramona and Beezus movie! Yea!
Tomorrow is my midwife appointment. Can't wait to see the 15lbs I gained in the last 2 weeks... =(
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Just call me Mrs. Endurance!
Saturday we got the car and drove to Bowmanville Zoo, and Oshawa beach. The zoo was awesome. It wasn't crowded and they are mainly home to movie and TV animals! We got to hear wolves howl, Lena fed sooo many dear and goats, it was great. She rode a camel and we watched a really cool animal show.
Sunday morning we woke up kind of late as the day before kicked my butt. We hit to road much later than we wanted, about 11, and headed to Niagara Falls. Lena could NOT stop talking about getting to the hotel to go swimming. Well, check in wasn't until 3. =P
So we parked the car and went down to the falls and had a great time checking out the falls. This was our 3rd time on the Canadian side, but 5th time at the Falls in general. It's still wow's us every time. We finally headed to the hotel about 4:30. I was a little tired still and sore, but we managed to throw on our swim suits and headed for the pool. It was awesome. Until I got out. And started having contractions. I guess I used some muscles I didn't know I had! We walked across the parking lot to TGI Fridays and then we went into Clifton Hill . It's a crazy little area filled with just about everything.
Well, Lena was begging to go onto the HUGE skywheel. Little did I know that I have a major fear of falling. I knew that bridges bother me, but I had a total meltdown when we started going up. I thought I would be ok, but it just rushed over me. Jay asked if he should call the emergency button, but I told him I would be ok. Just about barfed too.
At 10pm there were going to be fireworks. We thought we might still be on the skywheel at that time, but we got off EXACTLY when the first firework went off. So we made a mad dash down to watch them. Then we laughed our butts off because there I was, just over a meltdown, running down a hill and then we had to march back up hill to go back. By the time we got back to the hotel (11pm) I could hardly walk!
Monday we got up early, ate breakfast and headed over to Marineland. The day started off with OK weather, then it turned HOT and muggy as hell. Then, it started sprinkling and cooled things down for a bit. I had to sit down quite a bit to recover and I think I drank 5 bottles of water myself in the time we were there. We went back to the hotel and Lena was begging to swim again. I told Jay he would have to take her that I needed a nap. 1 1/2 hours later they came back up and I was rested. =) We headed back out to Clifton Hill and had some extremely over priced pizza and ice cream. Walked down to the falls again, and then back up again. We got to the top of the hill and Lena said she wanted to go to Build A Bear. So we headed over there. I had some MAJOR contractions while we were in there. Jay said, do you think you just did too much walking? LOL THAT was an overstatement! I kept waiting for my water to break.
So we headed back to the hotel finally and I hopped in the bath with some epsom salts. AAHHH!!!!! Then we all crawled into bed and passed out.
This morning we had breakfast, we back to our room, Lena wanted to swim one last time, so Jay took her while I packed up. Then the last 3 days hit me.
I took some Tylenol and bucked up. Got the car loaded and went to Bird Kingdom and then onto the Butterfly Conservatory. We drove around for a few hours, stopping where ever we felt looked cool. There seemed to be a fire somewhere around there because the air was really smokey and was burning my eyes. Lena got a good nap in and we headed home.
WHEW. I am DONE. It's going to take me a while to get over this trip, but it was sooo much fun! Lena grew up so much, she surprised me by going on some rides that I NEVER thought she would go on while we were at Marineland!
Jay said, But we still have one more vacation before Baby Boy comes right? Um, Honey, I am due in 4 1/2 weeks. This is IT. Anything else we do will be local. I am HUGE and swelling and am really feeling pregnant, and DONE! I will post pictures in a little bit. There is SO much work yet to be done at home. The car has been returned, suitcase unpacked... that is it!
Sunday morning we woke up kind of late as the day before kicked my butt. We hit to road much later than we wanted, about 11, and headed to Niagara Falls. Lena could NOT stop talking about getting to the hotel to go swimming. Well, check in wasn't until 3. =P
So we parked the car and went down to the falls and had a great time checking out the falls. This was our 3rd time on the Canadian side, but 5th time at the Falls in general. It's still wow's us every time. We finally headed to the hotel about 4:30. I was a little tired still and sore, but we managed to throw on our swim suits and headed for the pool. It was awesome. Until I got out. And started having contractions. I guess I used some muscles I didn't know I had! We walked across the parking lot to TGI Fridays and then we went into Clifton Hill . It's a crazy little area filled with just about everything.
Well, Lena was begging to go onto the HUGE skywheel. Little did I know that I have a major fear of falling. I knew that bridges bother me, but I had a total meltdown when we started going up. I thought I would be ok, but it just rushed over me. Jay asked if he should call the emergency button, but I told him I would be ok. Just about barfed too.
At 10pm there were going to be fireworks. We thought we might still be on the skywheel at that time, but we got off EXACTLY when the first firework went off. So we made a mad dash down to watch them. Then we laughed our butts off because there I was, just over a meltdown, running down a hill and then we had to march back up hill to go back. By the time we got back to the hotel (11pm) I could hardly walk!
Monday we got up early, ate breakfast and headed over to Marineland. The day started off with OK weather, then it turned HOT and muggy as hell. Then, it started sprinkling and cooled things down for a bit. I had to sit down quite a bit to recover and I think I drank 5 bottles of water myself in the time we were there. We went back to the hotel and Lena was begging to swim again. I told Jay he would have to take her that I needed a nap. 1 1/2 hours later they came back up and I was rested. =) We headed back out to Clifton Hill and had some extremely over priced pizza and ice cream. Walked down to the falls again, and then back up again. We got to the top of the hill and Lena said she wanted to go to Build A Bear. So we headed over there. I had some MAJOR contractions while we were in there. Jay said, do you think you just did too much walking? LOL THAT was an overstatement! I kept waiting for my water to break.
So we headed back to the hotel finally and I hopped in the bath with some epsom salts. AAHHH!!!!! Then we all crawled into bed and passed out.
This morning we had breakfast, we back to our room, Lena wanted to swim one last time, so Jay took her while I packed up. Then the last 3 days hit me.
I took some Tylenol and bucked up. Got the car loaded and went to Bird Kingdom and then onto the Butterfly Conservatory. We drove around for a few hours, stopping where ever we felt looked cool. There seemed to be a fire somewhere around there because the air was really smokey and was burning my eyes. Lena got a good nap in and we headed home.
WHEW. I am DONE. It's going to take me a while to get over this trip, but it was sooo much fun! Lena grew up so much, she surprised me by going on some rides that I NEVER thought she would go on while we were at Marineland!
Jay said, But we still have one more vacation before Baby Boy comes right? Um, Honey, I am due in 4 1/2 weeks. This is IT. Anything else we do will be local. I am HUGE and swelling and am really feeling pregnant, and DONE! I will post pictures in a little bit. There is SO much work yet to be done at home. The car has been returned, suitcase unpacked... that is it!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
34 weeks 4 days
34 week check today. I gained 2.5lbs in the last 2 weeks! That puts the total to 11.75lbs. But I am puffy this week from the heat, so I am sure that in 2 weeks when I go back, it will go down again! LOL
Blood pressure was 110/65. I am measuring in at 36 weeks, which to me, isn't that big of a difference, only 1 1/2 weeks ahead. I got the talk of another U/S to check on his size. Sigh.
Anyway, all looks good.
The end.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
It all started...
This weekend didn't really get off on the right foot to begin with.
This is not only a holiday weekend, but it's moving weekend for the apartment building. It's been hectic around here with people moving in and out. Fireworks Thursday evening, and a psychotic dog.
But, the kicker was the moving van that pulled up at 1:30 am Friday night. Our building manager is going to get an earful from me tomorrow morning.
They were not quiet and gentle about the moving process. The first two hours were spend backing up the truck, unrolling the back, lifting out the ramp, dropping it. Yelling at each other... you get the point.
Jay also went deaf Friday night and had the TV up so loud that he didn't hear any of this going on, but I not only heard the moving, but every.single.word of the movie he was watching.
Do these people not know I am 34 weeks pregnant, I don't sleep well as it is. Don't mess with me!
We decided to take advantage of every weekend this July before Baby Boy comes. August is going to be pretty much out for me.
Our first outing was to Edwards Gardens for Fathers Day. It was lovely.
The second was yesterday. Despite getting very little sleep, I managed to get up at 8 and started preparing food. Cutting up watermelon, filling water bottles, all the stuff the family rely's on, but doesn't really think about until they go, OH! Did you... Yes, I brought....
We got a very late start, which turned out to be ok in the long run. We left by 11:30 I think, maybe even closer to noon.
Got our TTC Family day pass and set off on our journey. That journey included 2 subways, 1 street car, hoofing it on foot (well, not very far really) and a ferry ride.
We were going to Centre Island! It's much more than just Centreville amusement park. It's one of the prettiest places to go in Toronto. It's green, with cool breezes blowing through. Abundant sun and shade. Lots of nice places to picnic, or even grab a bite to eat at an over priced restaurant. You can rent bikes, boats, get drumming lessons. Go through a maze that we have YET to conquer. Lots of adorable dogs. A beach, parks, splash pads.. The list goes on and on.
We spent about 6 hours at the amusement park. I spent most of the time sitting and watching. I couldn't go on any rides. Liabilities or something like that. But, seeing Lena have so much freaking fun was worth it.
In the end we had to drag her away, green in the face from spinning around so many times on the tea cups.
We were quickly running through our food and water supplies and I was feeling about 50 weeks pregnant by then.
We went through the maze, twice. Still never figured out how to go through it completely! Played at a playground for a bit before our stomachs won the war and we headed over to a cafe we saw and ate some real food. By then it was getting chilly, and late.
9:00 We headed for the ferry dock. OMG, mass evacuation was happening! We had to wait with the rest of the people trying to escape, and watched as one ferry loaded up and left. Waited another 15-20 minutes for the next one to show up and loaded up like cattle being herded into a pen. We decided to sit up top and enjoy the view and the now ice cold breeze coming off of Lake Ontario. We lost our minds a little by then.
It's a quick 10-15 minute ferry ride however and soon we were back on land. The city was still warm, so we recovered from our shivers and decided (why, oh, why) to walk the few blocks to Union Station to take the first subway ride home.
As we sat in silence and giggled about the people we saw, Lena soon fell asleep. 35 minutes later we had to get off that subway and get on another. I waddled as Jay carried Lena up the 2 flights of stairs to the next train. I opted for the elevator. ;^)
Got on the next train and 15 minutes later we were at our home station. Waddled some more and came home to a dog that thought we had died and she was the only surviving thing on the planet.
We drank about 40 gallons of water, showered and were in bed by 11:30.
Now, I knew I would be sore from the days adventures. But HOW sore, became evident at about 3:30am when I woke up from my coma to pee. Note, this was about 4 hours after I took a single tylenol. I do believe that it wore off at the 3 hour 59 minute mark. I couldn't stand upright. Every.thing.hurt. I was going to die. I knew it. Got another tylenol and drank more water, spent about 30 minutes trying to get comfortable. HA! And eventually drifted off into a restless slumber.
Woke up when I just couldn't take the pain any more, and tried to face the fact that we were supposed to go my grand nieces birthday party today. Several hours later and lots of tears from exhaustion, we decided there was no way I was going to go. It's nearly 90*f outside, low humidity though at 35%, but I would have been making a trip to the ER with pre-term labor if I had gone. Jay took pity on me and took off with Lena to join the party at the park. Which will take them about 35 minutes or so via the subway and bus to get too.
But the kid has her skates, Oh, I will have to write about that later.
Now, to go fold some laundry and do nothing but read, drink water, pee and relax!
This is not only a holiday weekend, but it's moving weekend for the apartment building. It's been hectic around here with people moving in and out. Fireworks Thursday evening, and a psychotic dog.
But, the kicker was the moving van that pulled up at 1:30 am Friday night. Our building manager is going to get an earful from me tomorrow morning.
They were not quiet and gentle about the moving process. The first two hours were spend backing up the truck, unrolling the back, lifting out the ramp, dropping it. Yelling at each other... you get the point.
Jay also went deaf Friday night and had the TV up so loud that he didn't hear any of this going on, but I not only heard the moving, but every.single.word of the movie he was watching.
Do these people not know I am 34 weeks pregnant, I don't sleep well as it is. Don't mess with me!
We decided to take advantage of every weekend this July before Baby Boy comes. August is going to be pretty much out for me.
Our first outing was to Edwards Gardens for Fathers Day. It was lovely.
The second was yesterday. Despite getting very little sleep, I managed to get up at 8 and started preparing food. Cutting up watermelon, filling water bottles, all the stuff the family rely's on, but doesn't really think about until they go, OH! Did you... Yes, I brought....
We got a very late start, which turned out to be ok in the long run. We left by 11:30 I think, maybe even closer to noon.
Got our TTC Family day pass and set off on our journey. That journey included 2 subways, 1 street car, hoofing it on foot (well, not very far really) and a ferry ride.
We were going to Centre Island! It's much more than just Centreville amusement park. It's one of the prettiest places to go in Toronto. It's green, with cool breezes blowing through. Abundant sun and shade. Lots of nice places to picnic, or even grab a bite to eat at an over priced restaurant. You can rent bikes, boats, get drumming lessons. Go through a maze that we have YET to conquer. Lots of adorable dogs. A beach, parks, splash pads.. The list goes on and on.
We spent about 6 hours at the amusement park. I spent most of the time sitting and watching. I couldn't go on any rides. Liabilities or something like that. But, seeing Lena have so much freaking fun was worth it.
In the end we had to drag her away, green in the face from spinning around so many times on the tea cups.
We were quickly running through our food and water supplies and I was feeling about 50 weeks pregnant by then.
We went through the maze, twice. Still never figured out how to go through it completely! Played at a playground for a bit before our stomachs won the war and we headed over to a cafe we saw and ate some real food. By then it was getting chilly, and late.
9:00 We headed for the ferry dock. OMG, mass evacuation was happening! We had to wait with the rest of the people trying to escape, and watched as one ferry loaded up and left. Waited another 15-20 minutes for the next one to show up and loaded up like cattle being herded into a pen. We decided to sit up top and enjoy the view and the now ice cold breeze coming off of Lake Ontario. We lost our minds a little by then.
It's a quick 10-15 minute ferry ride however and soon we were back on land. The city was still warm, so we recovered from our shivers and decided (why, oh, why) to walk the few blocks to Union Station to take the first subway ride home.
As we sat in silence and giggled about the people we saw, Lena soon fell asleep. 35 minutes later we had to get off that subway and get on another. I waddled as Jay carried Lena up the 2 flights of stairs to the next train. I opted for the elevator. ;^)
Got on the next train and 15 minutes later we were at our home station. Waddled some more and came home to a dog that thought we had died and she was the only surviving thing on the planet.
We drank about 40 gallons of water, showered and were in bed by 11:30.
Now, I knew I would be sore from the days adventures. But HOW sore, became evident at about 3:30am when I woke up from my coma to pee. Note, this was about 4 hours after I took a single tylenol. I do believe that it wore off at the 3 hour 59 minute mark. I couldn't stand upright. Every.thing.hurt. I was going to die. I knew it. Got another tylenol and drank more water, spent about 30 minutes trying to get comfortable. HA! And eventually drifted off into a restless slumber.
Woke up when I just couldn't take the pain any more, and tried to face the fact that we were supposed to go my grand nieces birthday party today. Several hours later and lots of tears from exhaustion, we decided there was no way I was going to go. It's nearly 90*f outside, low humidity though at 35%, but I would have been making a trip to the ER with pre-term labor if I had gone. Jay took pity on me and took off with Lena to join the party at the park. Which will take them about 35 minutes or so via the subway and bus to get too.
But the kid has her skates, Oh, I will have to write about that later.
Now, to go fold some laundry and do nothing but read, drink water, pee and relax!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
32 weeks
I don't know what happened last week, but someone hit me with the "feel crappy" stick. I had been feeling soooo good for the last part of this pregnancy, that when I started to feel crappy, I REALLY felt crappy. My back hurt, my hips hurt, my feet hurt, my everything hurt. Plus, I was taking naps again in the middle of the day! Saturday I decided to groom Daisy. Well, stupid me, I got over heated and nearly passed out on the kitchen floor. Lena quickly brought me a chair and a cold bottle of water. But, then I was done for most of the day. I lied on the couch until 3pm! After that, I felt much better.
Sunday for Father's Day we went to Edwards Gardens. It's only about 15 minutes by bus to get there. We got lucky and had cloud cover for most of the day. It was humid, but with out the sun, it was bearable. Lovely trail walk, saw so many cute chipmunks and other woodland creatures. Then we headed up to the actual park area and saw two wedding parties getting their pictures taken. That was fun watching it all. We sat for a good 45 minutes eating fruit, just watching. Then the sun came out full on and we headed home. Jay enjoyed his 3 cards and Father's Day dance from Lena. I might have to record her doing it just to show you guys. It's really funny. I took lots of pictures at the park, only to realize that they all went into the internal memory rather than the card, that I left at home. Now I can't pull them off until I get a new cord. sigh.
Anyway, Today I am 32 weeks and 4 days according to my LMP. I saw my midwife and everything is very uneventful. I put back on the pound that I had lost, so back up to a 9.25lbs weight gain. BP 100/65 and measuring 33.5 weeks. So looking good!
Sunday for Father's Day we went to Edwards Gardens. It's only about 15 minutes by bus to get there. We got lucky and had cloud cover for most of the day. It was humid, but with out the sun, it was bearable. Lovely trail walk, saw so many cute chipmunks and other woodland creatures. Then we headed up to the actual park area and saw two wedding parties getting their pictures taken. That was fun watching it all. We sat for a good 45 minutes eating fruit, just watching. Then the sun came out full on and we headed home. Jay enjoyed his 3 cards and Father's Day dance from Lena. I might have to record her doing it just to show you guys. It's really funny. I took lots of pictures at the park, only to realize that they all went into the internal memory rather than the card, that I left at home. Now I can't pull them off until I get a new cord. sigh.
Anyway, Today I am 32 weeks and 4 days according to my LMP. I saw my midwife and everything is very uneventful. I put back on the pound that I had lost, so back up to a 9.25lbs weight gain. BP 100/65 and measuring 33.5 weeks. So looking good!
Another fun event in the Dacca house is that Lena finally lost her front tooth!!! It had been wiggly for a while, but really really loose this past week. She drove us all crazy and we called her Nanny McFee, because she kept flipping it out over her lip. Well, Friday night she was too scared to pull it out so I suggested that I do it. OK she said. I reached in and POP, out it came! =)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I Have a Dream: By Lena Dacca
I Have a Dream
By Lena Dacca
Grade 2
I have a dream that everywhere in the world it would be so clean. No people could throw garbage on the floor. The Arctic could be healthy. Polar bears, seals and Arctic foxes would stop eating the garbage on the floor. Seals and other animals could actually hunt. People would turn off the light when they're not using it. If boats would STOP going through the Arctic with their oil and stop loosing their nets, because they are getting on harp seals necks and they can not breath. When those dumb nets are around their necks. I want to have this dream come true because I want to live in a peaceful and clean land. I really care for the Arctic and people. I want them and us to live a wonderful life! I want everyone to be nice to the Earth. I don't want to die and I don't want my friends to die. I want to live to see my sister or brother, and see how I look when I grow up!
I am only 7 , it's tooooo early for me to die.
Please, please, please, please, please STOP throwing garbage on the floor.
If we don't stop, we can all die!!
So that what's important to me, what is important to you?
By Lena.
By Lena Dacca
Grade 2
I have a dream that everywhere in the world it would be so clean. No people could throw garbage on the floor. The Arctic could be healthy. Polar bears, seals and Arctic foxes would stop eating the garbage on the floor. Seals and other animals could actually hunt. People would turn off the light when they're not using it. If boats would STOP going through the Arctic with their oil and stop loosing their nets, because they are getting on harp seals necks and they can not breath. When those dumb nets are around their necks. I want to have this dream come true because I want to live in a peaceful and clean land. I really care for the Arctic and people. I want them and us to live a wonderful life! I want everyone to be nice to the Earth. I don't want to die and I don't want my friends to die. I want to live to see my sister or brother, and see how I look when I grow up!
I am only 7 , it's tooooo early for me to die.
Please, please, please, please, please STOP throwing garbage on the floor.
If we don't stop, we can all die!!
So that what's important to me, what is important to you?
By Lena.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
30 Week Appointment
I saw the alternate midwife today and the new student. I really like them both. I really really hope they are both on duty when the time comes.
I lost a pound, or more actually. I was so worried that they were going to get upset at me, and they laughed. So I am only up about 8.25lbs in 30 weeks. Disgusting isn't it? We talked about my diet and they said I am doing everything right, not to worry. That some women who start out heavier end up using their reserves rather than gain a lot of weight. I laughed and told them that maybe I would end up being thinner after the pregnancy!
Blood pressure was 100/65, normal for me, urine looked good, and babies heart beat was 140. He is still head down in the same position. WHEW! He jumped the other morning so hard that it woke me up and I thought, that's it, he is breech!
We also discussed my options of I go over 40 weeks, which we will go more into as the time comes.
Next is in 2 weeks and then I get to visit the vampire to check for iron levels.
Oh, and after all the panic, I am measuring 31 weeks. Back to "normal". I am higher on my right side, than my left, so they measure slightly in between.
I lost a pound, or more actually. I was so worried that they were going to get upset at me, and they laughed. So I am only up about 8.25lbs in 30 weeks. Disgusting isn't it? We talked about my diet and they said I am doing everything right, not to worry. That some women who start out heavier end up using their reserves rather than gain a lot of weight. I laughed and told them that maybe I would end up being thinner after the pregnancy!
Blood pressure was 100/65, normal for me, urine looked good, and babies heart beat was 140. He is still head down in the same position. WHEW! He jumped the other morning so hard that it woke me up and I thought, that's it, he is breech!
We also discussed my options of I go over 40 weeks, which we will go more into as the time comes.
Next is in 2 weeks and then I get to visit the vampire to check for iron levels.
Oh, and after all the panic, I am measuring 31 weeks. Back to "normal". I am higher on my right side, than my left, so they measure slightly in between.
Friday, May 28, 2010
NOT Fat, Just Pregnant
Well today on my way home from getting Lena, the younger of the two saw me. She said,
OH! You have baby? (pointing to my belly)
YEP! I do! hahahaha.
OH! I though you getting little fat! I am happy you having baby!!
NOPE! There is a baby in there!
She was very sweet and gave me a hug. =)
And earlier I got the "You should be wearing more supportive shoes" lecture from a lady in the subway. I had on some ballet flats. =\
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ultrasound today
He is still a boy. His penis didn't fall off! Yea! He IS head down! His back is along my right side, butt under my right ribs, and feet to the left. He was moving around like crazy the entire time, making the tech laugh. He had one hand up by his face and I got to see it open and close. And his little toes curl! AAWWWW!!!
They are estimating about 3lbs 5oz right now, which really means nothing to me, but I guess it's about right. She said he is growing normally.
My placenta is FAAAARRR from my cervix, so that is all over.
I can't wait to have my next appointment in a week and half to discuss everything with my midwife now. She didn't say anything about the amniotic fluid...
28 Week Appointment
Well, here we are again. 28 weeks have flown by. Crazy to think only 12 or so left until Baby Boy arrives! There are a few things left needed to get, but the key has been to do it slowly over time.
And as the weather turns freakishly hot, I remember the lovely days of winter and complaining about how cold and crappy it was. ahhh, the days where I didn't nearly pass out walking Lena home from school...
Oh, sorry about that.
Yesterday was my 28 week appointment with my Midwife. I also met the new student, who I liked very much. She is much more personable.
Last time they were worried about me gaining tooo much weight, as if 9.25lbs total could be too much, and this time they are worried because I didn't gain ONE POUND in 4 weeks. What the heck do they want from me! LOL I guess that 16lb goal might be easier done than I thought! Anyway, they were concerned now that I am not eating enough. I cut back on the carbs like they asked, cut back on ice cream, and am walking my butt off. I figure I am loosing the pounds while Baby Boy is gaining. So we are evening out. I eat. Believe me I eat. But because he is sitting so high, it squishes my stomach and I can't really fit much in there at one time. Plus, drinking 30 gallons of water a day to keep hydrated in this God Forsaken heat, fills you up a wee bit.
Well, I am measuring in at 31 weeks. I was 28weeks 4 days according to my last period due date, 29 weeks 1 day by the U/S date. So to me a 2-2 1/2 week difference really isn't THAT big of a deal. But they think it is. Tomorrow we have an appointment at the Ultrasound place. One, to see if my placenta has moved out of the way or not, and two, to check Baby Boy's size, and my amniotic fluid levels. It will be fun to see him in there again!
We talked about the VBAC and my fears, they gave me a folder that I get to take with me when I go anywhere medical.
Over all everything is good! I'll see if I can get a new picture of Baby Boy tomorrow. =) Mean while, here is me. Please ignore the allergy eyes, and the fact that Lena chopped the top of my head off... She has it in for me, I know it!
And as the weather turns freakishly hot, I remember the lovely days of winter and complaining about how cold and crappy it was. ahhh, the days where I didn't nearly pass out walking Lena home from school...
Oh, sorry about that.
Yesterday was my 28 week appointment with my Midwife. I also met the new student, who I liked very much. She is much more personable.
Last time they were worried about me gaining tooo much weight, as if 9.25lbs total could be too much, and this time they are worried because I didn't gain ONE POUND in 4 weeks. What the heck do they want from me! LOL I guess that 16lb goal might be easier done than I thought! Anyway, they were concerned now that I am not eating enough. I cut back on the carbs like they asked, cut back on ice cream, and am walking my butt off. I figure I am loosing the pounds while Baby Boy is gaining. So we are evening out. I eat. Believe me I eat. But because he is sitting so high, it squishes my stomach and I can't really fit much in there at one time. Plus, drinking 30 gallons of water a day to keep hydrated in this God Forsaken heat, fills you up a wee bit.
Well, I am measuring in at 31 weeks. I was 28weeks 4 days according to my last period due date, 29 weeks 1 day by the U/S date. So to me a 2-2 1/2 week difference really isn't THAT big of a deal. But they think it is. Tomorrow we have an appointment at the Ultrasound place. One, to see if my placenta has moved out of the way or not, and two, to check Baby Boy's size, and my amniotic fluid levels. It will be fun to see him in there again!
We talked about the VBAC and my fears, they gave me a folder that I get to take with me when I go anywhere medical.
Over all everything is good! I'll see if I can get a new picture of Baby Boy tomorrow. =) Mean while, here is me. Please ignore the allergy eyes, and the fact that Lena chopped the top of my head off... She has it in for me, I know it!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Test Results
On the 12th I had the joy of downing 50grams of the nasty Glucose orange drink for the Glucose Tolerance Test. It's a pre-screening for Gestational Diabetes. I didn't have to fast for it thankfully. Drank the nasty stuff in about 5 minutes and then sat for an hour. Got my blood drawn and they also took some more blood to see if I had developed any antibodies. I am A- and Jay is O+. I hadn't.
So I hung around for a week waiting with baited breath for the Midwives to call me with the test results. I finally gave in just now and called them. Apparently if they don't call you everything is fine. Ok, good to know. But I still have to go in Friday at 9am for my Rhogam shot.
So I passed the test, whew! BIG worry off my mind. But now I get to get up even earlier to get the bus(es) over to the hospital. I guess it's good to see the hospital now, rather than wait for my tour (when ever that is!) Or even in labor!
So I hung around for a week waiting with baited breath for the Midwives to call me with the test results. I finally gave in just now and called them. Apparently if they don't call you everything is fine. Ok, good to know. But I still have to go in Friday at 9am for my Rhogam shot.
So I passed the test, whew! BIG worry off my mind. But now I get to get up even earlier to get the bus(es) over to the hospital. I guess it's good to see the hospital now, rather than wait for my tour (when ever that is!) Or even in labor!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Same as last time!
Well, I just pulled out my journal from my pregnancy with Lena. Guess what it said at my 24 week appointment?
Saw Dr. H everything looks good. I measured "big" so in 4 weeks we will do an U/S to see what is going on.
then again at 28 weeks:
Still measuring 4 weeks ahead
30 weeks
I am scheduled for another u/s with Dr. h on the 29th (@34 weeks) Still measuring big for 30 weeks.
32 weeks
Still measuring about 3-4 weeks ahead
34 week Ultrasound
They said she was measuring 37-38 weeks in size, 5.9lbs- 6.1lbs And breech.
that is when they told me she would be about 9-10lbs at birth! She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was only 19" long.
So, in other words, this seems normal compared to my last pregnancy. I am not too concerned about it. I remember even my co-workers telling me how huge I looked from one week to the next. I am going to show this to my midwife and say SEE!!!! It's ok!
Saw Dr. H everything looks good. I measured "big" so in 4 weeks we will do an U/S to see what is going on.
then again at 28 weeks:
Still measuring 4 weeks ahead
30 weeks
I am scheduled for another u/s with Dr. h on the 29th (@34 weeks) Still measuring big for 30 weeks.
32 weeks
Still measuring about 3-4 weeks ahead
34 week Ultrasound
They said she was measuring 37-38 weeks in size, 5.9lbs- 6.1lbs And breech.
that is when they told me she would be about 9-10lbs at birth! She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was only 19" long.
So, in other words, this seems normal compared to my last pregnancy. I am not too concerned about it. I remember even my co-workers telling me how huge I looked from one week to the next. I am going to show this to my midwife and say SEE!!!! It's ok!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
24 weeks and HUGE!
I gained 3 lbs, making it a 10lbs total for the entire pregnancy. Which I feel is great. But I feel like I was made to feel guilty about it. She only wants me to gain 2lbs a month till the end. 6-8 more lbs! I don't think she was THAT concerned about the weight gain until she measured me. HOLY CRAP. I measured between 27-28 weeks! I am 24w4d. So now, I get to seriously watch what I eat, exercise as much as I can and hope that I don't keep measuring 3-4 weeks ahead. I said I did the same thing with Lena and she came out small. Whatever.
On the 12th I go in to test for the Rh- stuff and then she said I might as well do the glucose test then too. She said it's a preliminary, so no fasting, and one hour wait. From that they will see if I need to do the fasting one.
Also at 30 weeks she will order an u/s to check the babies size again and where my placenta is, see if it's moved.
On the 12th I go in to test for the Rh- stuff and then she said I might as well do the glucose test then too. She said it's a preliminary, so no fasting, and one hour wait. From that they will see if I need to do the fasting one.
Also at 30 weeks she will order an u/s to check the babies size again and where my placenta is, see if it's moved.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
20 weeks
Last week, Baby Boy decided to throw a party at 4:30 am. =)
Today I had my 20 week appointment.
Nothing spectacular. First time they were late though, 25 minutes! My appointment was with the Student midwife who was a little hyper for me. But I did finally get to meet the 2nd midwife on the team. Laurie. Very nice lady.
I gained 4lbs, for a total weight gain of... 4lbs! Now hopefully it will slow down a little seeing as I have 18-20 weeks left and 16lbs to go. They aren't that picky about it. I will be happy if I keep it under 25lbs total. I will just see numbers I never thought I would see in my lifetime. At least by the medical scale. I like mine at home better. =)
Blood pressure was 106/80 ( I think...) Baby Boy wouldn't stay still and kept kicking every time she would find his heartbeat, then move. Little stinker. He is very active. I got to see the U/S techs drawing of where my placenta is, and it's directly in front, which is why 98% of the kicks are felt on the sides and down south.
I am measuring 22weeks (u/s date is 21w1d) They are still insisting on going by the LMP DD, so I am 20w4d. All normal stuff.
Next in 4 weeks unless something weird happens between now and then.
Today I had my 20 week appointment.
Nothing spectacular. First time they were late though, 25 minutes! My appointment was with the Student midwife who was a little hyper for me. But I did finally get to meet the 2nd midwife on the team. Laurie. Very nice lady.
I gained 4lbs, for a total weight gain of... 4lbs! Now hopefully it will slow down a little seeing as I have 18-20 weeks left and 16lbs to go. They aren't that picky about it. I will be happy if I keep it under 25lbs total. I will just see numbers I never thought I would see in my lifetime. At least by the medical scale. I like mine at home better. =)
Blood pressure was 106/80 ( I think...) Baby Boy wouldn't stay still and kept kicking every time she would find his heartbeat, then move. Little stinker. He is very active. I got to see the U/S techs drawing of where my placenta is, and it's directly in front, which is why 98% of the kicks are felt on the sides and down south.
I am measuring 22weeks (u/s date is 21w1d) They are still insisting on going by the LMP DD, so I am 20w4d. All normal stuff.
Next in 4 weeks unless something weird happens between now and then.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It's a Hot Dog!
Lena has been getting a little sex education along the way with this baby. She learned the proper words for girl and boy bits. Like Vagina and Penis. Well, we were talking about what the baby will be and whether or not it will have a Taco or a Hot Dog. She thought this was hilarious so we just kept it up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Hot Dog! It's a boy! I think I am still in shock over it. I didn't have any strong feelings one way or the other this time whether it was a boy or a girl. I was hoping for a girl, but only because that is what I know. I am a person who doesn't do change well. I like things to stay the same.
As my Midwife appointment approached, I knew that I would be getting close to the right time for the U/S. So I made sure to ask and she marked Fetal Sex on the paperwork to make sure we would find out. =)
I called the place where I had my first scan done, but they didn't have anything until the 25th. Well, I am impatient and I wanted to do it during March break so Lena and I could go shopping together. So I called another clinic and they got me in on the 15th! Yea!!
My appointment was at 2pm. I drank my water and we headed out. I knew I was in trouble pee wise the second we stepped off the bus. We had 20 minutes still and I had to GO!
We arrived at the clinic and it was packed. They over booked every single appointment. I waited as long as I could and finally told them I couldn't wait to pee any longer. They laughed and told me I don't need a full bladder, and to go!
Well, I ended up going 4 times by the time they called my name! Which was just after 3:30pm! Lena was ready to pull her eye balls out she was so anxious about getting in to see the baby.
So I lied down on the table and she squirted the U/S jelly on me. We made jokes that a blue bird pooped on my belly or something. She got the wand ready, plopped it on and asked, So what do you want, a Boy or a Girl. Then she said IT'S A BOY! With in those 2 seconds she had already seen the penis! I couldn't believe it! Lena was like HU? It's a Boy? Really? No way? Check again! Jay's face lit up. =)
The rest of the scan went really well. Heart looks good, spine looks good. It even has a brain! HAHAHA! He was moving all over the place, moving his hands up and down. And at one point opened and closed his mouth a few times! That was cool! Then he did a biiiiig stretch and flipped over and put his back to us. Little stinker.
My placenta seems to be lying right along side my cervix, so they have to watch that and make sure it moves up in the next 20 weeks.
She did once again say my Due Date IS August 9th, 2010, not the 13th. Go figure. So I am going to stick with that since it's the second time they have said so.
I am not sure of the size, I thought she said 500grams, which is about 1lbs. The heartbeat was at 144bpm.
Now, to go shopping!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Hot Dog! It's a boy! I think I am still in shock over it. I didn't have any strong feelings one way or the other this time whether it was a boy or a girl. I was hoping for a girl, but only because that is what I know. I am a person who doesn't do change well. I like things to stay the same.
As my Midwife appointment approached, I knew that I would be getting close to the right time for the U/S. So I made sure to ask and she marked Fetal Sex on the paperwork to make sure we would find out. =)
I called the place where I had my first scan done, but they didn't have anything until the 25th. Well, I am impatient and I wanted to do it during March break so Lena and I could go shopping together. So I called another clinic and they got me in on the 15th! Yea!!
My appointment was at 2pm. I drank my water and we headed out. I knew I was in trouble pee wise the second we stepped off the bus. We had 20 minutes still and I had to GO!
We arrived at the clinic and it was packed. They over booked every single appointment. I waited as long as I could and finally told them I couldn't wait to pee any longer. They laughed and told me I don't need a full bladder, and to go!
Well, I ended up going 4 times by the time they called my name! Which was just after 3:30pm! Lena was ready to pull her eye balls out she was so anxious about getting in to see the baby.
So I lied down on the table and she squirted the U/S jelly on me. We made jokes that a blue bird pooped on my belly or something. She got the wand ready, plopped it on and asked, So what do you want, a Boy or a Girl. Then she said IT'S A BOY! With in those 2 seconds she had already seen the penis! I couldn't believe it! Lena was like HU? It's a Boy? Really? No way? Check again! Jay's face lit up. =)
The rest of the scan went really well. Heart looks good, spine looks good. It even has a brain! HAHAHA! He was moving all over the place, moving his hands up and down. And at one point opened and closed his mouth a few times! That was cool! Then he did a biiiiig stretch and flipped over and put his back to us. Little stinker.
My placenta seems to be lying right along side my cervix, so they have to watch that and make sure it moves up in the next 20 weeks.
She did once again say my Due Date IS August 9th, 2010, not the 13th. Go figure. So I am going to stick with that since it's the second time they have said so.
I am not sure of the size, I thought she said 500grams, which is about 1lbs. The heartbeat was at 144bpm.
Now, to go shopping!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Yesterday was a very very long day. It was predicted to be a rainy day, and it didn't disappoint. After taking Lena to school, it started dumping rain on the walk home. Got home soaking, but dried quickly. Jay and I decided to head across the street to Baguette, a little French cafe in the mall. We have been saying for a year now that we should go have breakfast there together some morning. Jay had a cup of coffee and a double chocolate danish. I had a cup of scalding hot hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll. We chatted and actually enjoyed ourselves!
Later I went to a new thrift store, the Chinese super market (smells HORRIBLE, but great deals) and then to Dollarama. Stood in the rain some more to catch the most crowded bus filled with rude teenagers heading home from school.
Made it home, then had to walk to school to get Lena, once again in a downpour.
Anyway, by that time I was exhausted. But we had a gift to buy at the mall. So we head over there, and end up checking out Sephora and putting crazy make up on Lena. =)
By the time I got home, my back was spasming out on me. I could hardly walk. Rain boots don't have much support in them.
So I lied down to rest and put my feet up.
Not 10 minutes later the baby woke up and started kicking like crazy. I put my fingers where I was feeling the kicks and sure enough I could feel them from the outside! That is a first! So I called Lena over and she put her fingers there and felt it too!!! It was so awesome!
So at exactly 18 weeks, the kicks are for sure real.
Later I went to a new thrift store, the Chinese super market (smells HORRIBLE, but great deals) and then to Dollarama. Stood in the rain some more to catch the most crowded bus filled with rude teenagers heading home from school.
Made it home, then had to walk to school to get Lena, once again in a downpour.
Anyway, by that time I was exhausted. But we had a gift to buy at the mall. So we head over there, and end up checking out Sephora and putting crazy make up on Lena. =)
By the time I got home, my back was spasming out on me. I could hardly walk. Rain boots don't have much support in them.
So I lied down to rest and put my feet up.
Not 10 minutes later the baby woke up and started kicking like crazy. I put my fingers where I was feeling the kicks and sure enough I could feel them from the outside! That is a first! So I called Lena over and she put her fingers there and felt it too!!! It was so awesome!
So at exactly 18 weeks, the kicks are for sure real.
Friday, March 5, 2010
16 Week Appointment
But really it was 16 weeks and 4 days. =)
Everything is looking good. I have gained .5 of a pound so far!
At the end of my appointment my IPS test results came in and the midwife was shocked at how low my risks of having any problems with this baby are! Neural Tube Defect (like Spina Bifida) are about 1/6,300! And any other abnormalities are 1/4,000 or so. Good eggs!
My uterus is sitting just about my belly button. She asked if I had felt any movement and to be honest, I am not sure! It's one of those things where you think you have, but was it, or was it a gas bubble? Or was it just a twitch... I still think I might have been feeling something a few weeks ago, but who knows. I'll be complaining soon enough about the baby kicking me in the middle of the night.
The baby was very active while we were listening to it's heart beat. 150-160 range.
In May I get to get tested to see if I am producing any antibodies. I am A- and Jay is O+. So if there is any mixing of the blood between the baby and me, it could be bad. BUT only if the baby has + blood type. Lena does. She came out as A+! Then I would have to get a shot in the rear at 28 weeks and again after birth. No biggy. I did it last time!
Now for the exciting news. I have an appointment on Monday, March 15th at 2pm EST to find out if it's a BOY or a GIRL! We can't wait! Lena is off that entire week for March Break, so it's going to be fun grabbing some gender specific items. =)
Everything is looking good. I have gained .5 of a pound so far!
At the end of my appointment my IPS test results came in and the midwife was shocked at how low my risks of having any problems with this baby are! Neural Tube Defect (like Spina Bifida) are about 1/6,300! And any other abnormalities are 1/4,000 or so. Good eggs!
My uterus is sitting just about my belly button. She asked if I had felt any movement and to be honest, I am not sure! It's one of those things where you think you have, but was it, or was it a gas bubble? Or was it just a twitch... I still think I might have been feeling something a few weeks ago, but who knows. I'll be complaining soon enough about the baby kicking me in the middle of the night.
The baby was very active while we were listening to it's heart beat. 150-160 range.
In May I get to get tested to see if I am producing any antibodies. I am A- and Jay is O+. So if there is any mixing of the blood between the baby and me, it could be bad. BUT only if the baby has + blood type. Lena does. She came out as A+! Then I would have to get a shot in the rear at 28 weeks and again after birth. No biggy. I did it last time!
Now for the exciting news. I have an appointment on Monday, March 15th at 2pm EST to find out if it's a BOY or a GIRL! We can't wait! Lena is off that entire week for March Break, so it's going to be fun grabbing some gender specific items. =)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
About a week ago just shortly after dinner we were sitting on the couch talking. I was still hungry but couldn't figure out what I was hungry for. So we were talking, and I was making a mental inventory of everything in the kitchen. I started on the top shelf of the fridge, Milk, water, yogurt, smoothies. Nope, nothing there. Next! Cheese, cold cuts, tuna, left over chicken.. Nope, nothing there. Bottom shelf, eggs, bread, milk bags. Sigh, nothing. Veggie and fruit drawers...nope.
So then I moved onto the cupboards. Most things in there I can't eat, like granola bars. Suddenly I pictured the popcorn. With out realizing it, I shouted out POPCORN! Lena and Jay both jumped, looked at me and said, WHAT!? Popcorn, where the hell did that come from!? At this point I was laughing so hard at my self that I could hardly breath. I explained that I was taking a mental inventory of the kitchen trying to figure out what sounded good. And then it was all over. I had a koniption (sp?) fit right then and there. My head was ready to explode from the laughter. My cheeks were cramping, my stomach hurt from not breathing. I am sure Baby was shouting EARTHQUAKE! Or AIR! I NEED AIR!! I just couldn't stop! Then they couldn't stop shouting POPCORN at me to make me laugh even harder.
I never did get my popcorn.
So then I moved onto the cupboards. Most things in there I can't eat, like granola bars. Suddenly I pictured the popcorn. With out realizing it, I shouted out POPCORN! Lena and Jay both jumped, looked at me and said, WHAT!? Popcorn, where the hell did that come from!? At this point I was laughing so hard at my self that I could hardly breath. I explained that I was taking a mental inventory of the kitchen trying to figure out what sounded good. And then it was all over. I had a koniption (sp?) fit right then and there. My head was ready to explode from the laughter. My cheeks were cramping, my stomach hurt from not breathing. I am sure Baby was shouting EARTHQUAKE! Or AIR! I NEED AIR!! I just couldn't stop! Then they couldn't stop shouting POPCORN at me to make me laugh even harder.
I never did get my popcorn.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Safety First Vantage Car Seat FAIL!
Please, pass this on to as many people as possible. This is completely unacceptable! The Dorel Juvenile Group makes Maxi Cosi, Cosco, Eddie Bauer and Safety 1st car seats!
This article points out just a few of the problems with the company. It does not mention the many problems that people have with their car seats every day.
If you have any questions regarding a car seat, and what is the best choice to make, please visit this forum. It's full of CERTIFIED car seat technicians, unlike the people who work at Babies R Us who claim to know all about car seats. They are paid to push the Dorel car seats. Not sell you the safest one out there that will last, and save your child in the event of a car accident.
Just because it's cheap, looks like it should work, and is the most sold, does not mean it's the best choice for your child or your car!
And remember, most infant seats only go to 20-22lbs! Once your child has reached that limit, the harness is not strong enough to contain your child in the shell of the seat. It can rip through the plastic, ejecting your child. Please, strap your car seat into the car each, and every time you get in a moving vehicle. Just because it's down the street, does not make it any safer.
My car was totalled in FRONT of my apartment building. I literally went around the corner to the grocery store to get flour, was returning home when someone decided to pass me on my left as I was turning into my drive way. It was a strong enough impact to shatter my drivers side window, and bend the frame of my car. Lena was one year old and still rear facing. The safest way to be until they are at least 2 years old.
Please, do your research before purchasing a seat!
This article points out just a few of the problems with the company. It does not mention the many problems that people have with their car seats every day.
If you have any questions regarding a car seat, and what is the best choice to make, please visit this forum. It's full of CERTIFIED car seat technicians, unlike the people who work at Babies R Us who claim to know all about car seats. They are paid to push the Dorel car seats. Not sell you the safest one out there that will last, and save your child in the event of a car accident.
Just because it's cheap, looks like it should work, and is the most sold, does not mean it's the best choice for your child or your car!
And remember, most infant seats only go to 20-22lbs! Once your child has reached that limit, the harness is not strong enough to contain your child in the shell of the seat. It can rip through the plastic, ejecting your child. Please, strap your car seat into the car each, and every time you get in a moving vehicle. Just because it's down the street, does not make it any safer.
My car was totalled in FRONT of my apartment building. I literally went around the corner to the grocery store to get flour, was returning home when someone decided to pass me on my left as I was turning into my drive way. It was a strong enough impact to shatter my drivers side window, and bend the frame of my car. Lena was one year old and still rear facing. The safest way to be until they are at least 2 years old.
Please, do your research before purchasing a seat!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Baby Bumps and Backpacks
One day away from being 15 weeks (depending on who you ask) and things have gotten interesting.
Yesterday I am pretty sure Baby was bouncing around inside for most of the day. I would be just sitting there and would feel that little flutter. You know when you get a a twitch in your eye, or thumb, or where ever? That little... how would you type that... That is what it feels like. But from the inside. It's a very cool and very very strange feeling. You can feel it inside, but not from the outside. No matter how many times I sat still with my fingers pressed on the spot I felt the little thumps, I couldn't feel them with my hand!
So far today, nothing. =\
But! Pregnancy brain has officially set in. I am officially a dork. I can't remember anything. First it was Maple Syrup. I went to 2 different stores for Pete's sake! Think I could remember to get Maple Syrup? NOPE! I did finally get it yesterday. Whew. MMMMM, French Toast...
Sorry got distracted there for a minute.
Jay has given up on me. He will ask me for espresso when I get a minute. Well, 30 minutes later I don't even remember him asking for it and he is in the kitchen making it himself. And I ask him what he is doing, why didn't he ask me to make it. Oh, ya, you did. Sorry.
Today however, was pretty funny. Every morning when I walk Lena to school, I carry her backpack for her. I find the extra 3lbs of weight slows her down significantly. So I just carry it myself. Then when she gets in line, I put it on her back, say goodbye and all is well.
Not today. 3 kids had to talk to me. One to tell me she is allergic to Gelatin (no she isn't, it's a religious thing). One to tell me he brought a Kinder Surprise Egg that is nut free cause he knows he can't bring nut things to school (love that boy), and the third to tell me she had acupuncture last night (very cool). Well by that time the line was going inside, I said my goodbyes and headed off. Poor Lena called for me, but I didn't hear her. =( So half way home I was like, why am I carrying my purse? OH NO!!! So I had to laugh at myself and walk back to school. The poor girl was sitting in gym with no shoes. She got her backpack and asked me, "Mom, what is wrong with you!?"
I love that girl. Really I do.
Yesterday I am pretty sure Baby was bouncing around inside for most of the day. I would be just sitting there and would feel that little flutter. You know when you get a a twitch in your eye, or thumb, or where ever? That little... how would you type that... That is what it feels like. But from the inside. It's a very cool and very very strange feeling. You can feel it inside, but not from the outside. No matter how many times I sat still with my fingers pressed on the spot I felt the little thumps, I couldn't feel them with my hand!
So far today, nothing. =\
But! Pregnancy brain has officially set in. I am officially a dork. I can't remember anything. First it was Maple Syrup. I went to 2 different stores for Pete's sake! Think I could remember to get Maple Syrup? NOPE! I did finally get it yesterday. Whew. MMMMM, French Toast...
Sorry got distracted there for a minute.
Jay has given up on me. He will ask me for espresso when I get a minute. Well, 30 minutes later I don't even remember him asking for it and he is in the kitchen making it himself. And I ask him what he is doing, why didn't he ask me to make it. Oh, ya, you did. Sorry.
Today however, was pretty funny. Every morning when I walk Lena to school, I carry her backpack for her. I find the extra 3lbs of weight slows her down significantly. So I just carry it myself. Then when she gets in line, I put it on her back, say goodbye and all is well.
Not today. 3 kids had to talk to me. One to tell me she is allergic to Gelatin (no she isn't, it's a religious thing). One to tell me he brought a Kinder Surprise Egg that is nut free cause he knows he can't bring nut things to school (love that boy), and the third to tell me she had acupuncture last night (very cool). Well by that time the line was going inside, I said my goodbyes and headed off. Poor Lena called for me, but I didn't hear her. =( So half way home I was like, why am I carrying my purse? OH NO!!! So I had to laugh at myself and walk back to school. The poor girl was sitting in gym with no shoes. She got her backpack and asked me, "Mom, what is wrong with you!?"
I love that girl. Really I do.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Today I witnessed the death of corn flakes in my house.
They have betrayed me one too many times.
For some unknown reason, corn flakes me me do NOT agree.
For the second time in a month, they made me throw up.
The evil, evil brown flakes.
Good riddance.
They have betrayed me one too many times.
For some unknown reason, corn flakes me me do NOT agree.
For the second time in a month, they made me throw up.
The evil, evil brown flakes.
Good riddance.
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Kid Is Growing Up
And I am not ready.
Yesterday Lena spent a lot of time in her room. But not for what you would think. She was sitting in front of the mirror lifting her hair trying to see what she would look like with it shorter.
2 years ago we grew her hair out so that it would be very long for Alaa's wedding. It was long. And a pain. About 3 days after the wedding, we cut 5" off. Then 4 months later we cut 4 more inches off. And haven't done anything but minor trims since.
Yesterday she decided she had had enough.
The hairdresser in me was so excited! I couldn't wait! I have been wanting to do this for years. She has a great face for it. We love her hair pulled off her face.
She was practically peeing her pants during the haircut. She couldn't wait to see herself. After it was done, I took her to the bathroom, blew it dry, made sure it was prefect. Then showed her.
She screamed. She freaking L.O.V.E.D it. She turned to me and said, "Mom, if I ever want to grow my hair long again, slap me. I am NEVER having long hair again!"
She must have looked at herself 500 times before going to bed. In fact I know if she could have she would have slept with a mirror under her pillow just in case she woke up. She woke up about 3am to tell us she had a dream about her hair. Today she hid it under a hat and surprised everyone at school. At lunch, she told me that she went to the washroom just so she could look at her hair.
I am so screwed.

Yesterday Lena spent a lot of time in her room. But not for what you would think. She was sitting in front of the mirror lifting her hair trying to see what she would look like with it shorter.
2 years ago we grew her hair out so that it would be very long for Alaa's wedding. It was long. And a pain. About 3 days after the wedding, we cut 5" off. Then 4 months later we cut 4 more inches off. And haven't done anything but minor trims since.
Yesterday she decided she had had enough.
The hairdresser in me was so excited! I couldn't wait! I have been wanting to do this for years. She has a great face for it. We love her hair pulled off her face.
She was practically peeing her pants during the haircut. She couldn't wait to see herself. After it was done, I took her to the bathroom, blew it dry, made sure it was prefect. Then showed her.
She screamed. She freaking L.O.V.E.D it. She turned to me and said, "Mom, if I ever want to grow my hair long again, slap me. I am NEVER having long hair again!"
She must have looked at herself 500 times before going to bed. In fact I know if she could have she would have slept with a mirror under her pillow just in case she woke up. She woke up about 3am to tell us she had a dream about her hair. Today she hid it under a hat and surprised everyone at school. At lunch, she told me that she went to the washroom just so she could look at her hair.
I am so screwed.
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