Tuesday, March 30, 2010

20 weeks

Last week, Baby Boy decided to throw a party at 4:30 am. =)
Today I had my 20 week appointment.
Nothing spectacular. First time they were late though, 25 minutes! My appointment was with the Student midwife who was a little hyper for me. But I did finally get to meet the 2nd midwife on the team. Laurie. Very nice lady.
I gained 4lbs, for a total weight gain of... 4lbs! Now hopefully it will slow down a little seeing as I have 18-20 weeks left and 16lbs to go. They aren't that picky about it. I will be happy if I keep it under 25lbs total. I will just see numbers I never thought I would see in my lifetime. At least by the medical scale. I like mine at home better. =)
Blood pressure was 106/80 ( I think...) Baby Boy wouldn't stay still and kept kicking every time she would find his heartbeat, then move. Little stinker. He is very active. I got to see the U/S techs drawing of where my placenta is, and it's directly in front, which is why 98% of the kicks are felt on the sides and down south.
I am measuring 22weeks (u/s date is 21w1d) They are still insisting on going by the LMP DD, so I am 20w4d. All normal stuff.
Next in 4 weeks unless something weird happens between now and then.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's a Hot Dog!

Lena has been getting a little sex education along the way with this baby. She learned the proper words for girl and boy bits. Like Vagina and Penis. Well, we were talking about what the baby will be and whether or not it will have a Taco or a Hot Dog. She thought this was hilarious so we just kept it up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Hot Dog! It's a boy! I think I am still in shock over it. I didn't have any strong feelings one way or the other this time whether it was a boy or a girl. I was hoping for a girl, but only because that is what I know. I am a person who doesn't do change well. I like things to stay the same.
As my Midwife appointment approached, I knew that I would be getting close to the right time for the U/S. So I made sure to ask and she marked Fetal Sex on the paperwork to make sure we would find out. =)
I called the place where I had my first scan done, but they didn't have anything until the 25th. Well, I am impatient and I wanted to do it during March break so Lena and I could go shopping together. So I called another clinic and they got me in on the 15th! Yea!!
My appointment was at 2pm. I drank my water and we headed out. I knew I was in trouble pee wise the second we stepped off the bus. We had 20 minutes still and I had to GO!
We arrived at the clinic and it was packed. They over booked every single appointment. I waited as long as I could and finally told them I couldn't wait to pee any longer. They laughed and told me I don't need a full bladder, and to go!
Well, I ended up going 4 times by the time they called my name! Which was just after 3:30pm! Lena was ready to pull her eye balls out she was so anxious about getting in to see the baby.
So I lied down on the table and she squirted the U/S jelly on me. We made jokes that a blue bird pooped on my belly or something. She got the wand ready, plopped it on and asked, So what do you want, a Boy or a Girl. Then she said IT'S A BOY! With in those 2 seconds she had already seen the penis! I couldn't believe it! Lena was like HU? It's a Boy? Really? No way? Check again! Jay's face lit up. =)
The rest of the scan went really well. Heart looks good, spine looks good. It even has a brain! HAHAHA! He was moving all over the place, moving his hands up and down. And at one point opened and closed his mouth a few times! That was cool! Then he did a biiiiig stretch and flipped over and put his back to us. Little stinker.
My placenta seems to be lying right along side my cervix, so they have to watch that and make sure it moves up in the next 20 weeks.
She did once again say my Due Date IS August 9th, 2010, not the 13th. Go figure. So I am going to stick with that since it's the second time they have said so.
I am not sure of the size, I thought she said 500grams, which is about 1lbs. The heartbeat was at 144bpm.
Now, to go shopping!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday was a very very long day. It was predicted to be a rainy day, and it didn't disappoint. After taking Lena to school, it started dumping rain on the walk home. Got home soaking, but dried quickly. Jay and I decided to head across the street to Baguette, a little French cafe in the mall. We have been saying for a year now that we should go have breakfast there together some morning. Jay had a cup of coffee and a double chocolate danish. I had a cup of scalding hot hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll. We chatted and actually enjoyed ourselves!
Later I went to a new thrift store, the Chinese super market (smells HORRIBLE, but great deals) and then to Dollarama. Stood in the rain some more to catch the most crowded bus filled with rude teenagers heading home from school.
Made it home, then had to walk to school to get Lena, once again in a downpour.
Anyway, by that time I was exhausted. But we had a gift to buy at the mall. So we head over there, and end up checking out Sephora and putting crazy make up on Lena. =)
By the time I got home, my back was spasming out on me. I could hardly walk. Rain boots don't have much support in them.
So I lied down to rest and put my feet up.
Not 10 minutes later the baby woke up and started kicking like crazy. I put my fingers where I was feeling the kicks and sure enough I could feel them from the outside! That is a first! So I called Lena over and she put her fingers there and felt it too!!! It was so awesome!
So at exactly 18 weeks, the kicks are for sure real.

Friday, March 5, 2010

16 Week Appointment

But really it was 16 weeks and 4 days. =)
Everything is looking good. I have gained .5 of a pound so far!
At the end of my appointment my IPS test results came in and the midwife was shocked at how low my risks of having any problems with this baby are! Neural Tube Defect (like Spina Bifida) are about 1/6,300! And any other abnormalities are 1/4,000 or so. Good eggs!
My uterus is sitting just about my belly button. She asked if I had felt any movement and to be honest, I am not sure! It's one of those things where you think you have, but was it, or was it a gas bubble? Or was it just a twitch... I still think I might have been feeling something a few weeks ago, but who knows. I'll be complaining soon enough about the baby kicking me in the middle of the night.
The baby was very active while we were listening to it's heart beat. 150-160 range.
In May I get to get tested to see if I am producing any antibodies. I am A- and Jay is O+. So if there is any mixing of the blood between the baby and me, it could be bad. BUT only if the baby has + blood type. Lena does. She came out as A+! Then I would have to get a shot in the rear at 28 weeks and again after birth. No biggy. I did it last time!
Now for the exciting news. I have an appointment on Monday, March 15th at 2pm EST to find out if it's a BOY or a GIRL! We can't wait! Lena is off that entire week for March Break, so it's going to be fun grabbing some gender specific items. =)