Friday, May 28, 2010

NOT Fat, Just Pregnant

In our building we have 2 cleaning ladies from China. They work their butts off and I try to let them know that I for one appreciate their hard work and always go out of my way to say hi, how are you?
Well today on my way home from getting Lena, the younger of the two saw me. She said,
OH! You have baby? (pointing to my belly)
YEP! I do! hahahaha.
OH! I though you getting little fat! I am happy you having baby!!
NOPE! There is a baby in there!

She was very sweet and gave me a hug. =)

And earlier I got the "You should be wearing more supportive shoes" lecture from a lady in the subway. I had on some ballet flats. =\

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ultrasound today

That was SOOO freaking cool. I hate that I didn't get any pictures, but I will live.
He is still a boy. His penis didn't fall off! Yea! He IS head down! His back is along my right side, butt under my right ribs, and feet to the left. He was moving around like crazy the entire time, making the tech laugh. He had one hand up by his face and I got to see it open and close. And his little toes curl! AAWWWW!!!
They are estimating about 3lbs 5oz right now, which really means nothing to me, but I guess it's about right. She said he is growing normally.
My placenta is FAAAARRR from my cervix, so that is all over.
I can't wait to have my next appointment in a week and half to discuss everything with my midwife now. She didn't say anything about the amniotic fluid...

28 Week Appointment

Well, here we are again. 28 weeks have flown by. Crazy to think only 12 or so left until Baby Boy arrives! There are a few things left needed to get, but the key has been to do it slowly over time.
And as the weather turns freakishly hot, I remember the lovely days of winter and complaining about how cold and crappy it was. ahhh, the days where I didn't nearly pass out walking Lena home from school...
Oh, sorry about that.
Yesterday was my 28 week appointment with my Midwife. I also met the new student, who I liked very much. She is much more personable.
Last time they were worried about me gaining tooo much weight, as if 9.25lbs total could be too much, and this time they are worried because I didn't gain ONE POUND in 4 weeks. What the heck do they want from me! LOL I guess that 16lb goal might be easier done than I thought! Anyway, they were concerned now that I am not eating enough. I cut back on the carbs like they asked, cut back on ice cream, and am walking my butt off. I figure I am loosing the pounds while Baby Boy is gaining. So we are evening out. I eat. Believe me I eat. But because he is sitting so high, it squishes my stomach and I can't really fit much in there at one time. Plus, drinking 30 gallons of water a day to keep hydrated in this God Forsaken heat, fills you up a wee bit.
Well, I am measuring in at 31 weeks. I was 28weeks 4 days according to my last period due date, 29 weeks 1 day by the U/S date. So to me a 2-2 1/2 week difference really isn't THAT big of a deal. But they think it is. Tomorrow we have an appointment at the Ultrasound place. One, to see if my placenta has moved out of the way or not, and two, to check Baby Boy's size, and my amniotic fluid levels. It will be fun to see him in there again!
We talked about the VBAC and my fears, they gave me a folder that I get to take with me when I go anywhere medical.
Over all everything is good! I'll see if I can get a new picture of Baby Boy tomorrow. =) Mean while, here is me. Please ignore the allergy eyes, and the fact that Lena chopped the top of my head off... She has it in for me, I know it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Test Results

On the 12th I had the joy of downing 50grams of the nasty Glucose orange drink for the Glucose Tolerance Test. It's a pre-screening for Gestational Diabetes. I didn't have to fast for it thankfully. Drank the nasty stuff in about 5 minutes and then sat for an hour. Got my blood drawn and they also took some more blood to see if I had developed any antibodies. I am A- and Jay is O+. I hadn't.
So I hung around for a week waiting with baited breath for the Midwives to call me with the test results. I finally gave in just now and called them. Apparently if they don't call you everything is fine. Ok, good to know. But I still have to go in Friday at 9am for my Rhogam shot.
So I passed the test, whew! BIG worry off my mind. But now I get to get up even earlier to get the bus(es) over to the hospital. I guess it's good to see the hospital now, rather than wait for my tour (when ever that is!) Or even in labor!