Tuesday, June 22, 2010

32 weeks

I don't know what happened last week, but someone hit me with the "feel crappy" stick. I had been feeling soooo good for the last part of this pregnancy, that when I started to feel crappy, I REALLY felt crappy. My back hurt,  my hips hurt, my feet hurt, my everything hurt. Plus, I was taking naps again in the middle of the day! Saturday I decided to groom Daisy. Well, stupid me, I got over heated and nearly passed out on the kitchen floor. Lena quickly brought me a chair and a cold bottle of water. But, then I was done for most of the day. I lied on the couch until 3pm! After that, I felt much better.
Sunday for Father's Day we went to Edwards Gardens. It's only about 15 minutes by bus to get there. We got lucky and had cloud cover for most of the day. It was humid, but with out the sun, it was bearable. Lovely trail walk, saw so many cute chipmunks and other woodland creatures. Then we headed up to the actual park area and saw two wedding parties getting their pictures taken. That was fun watching it all. We sat for a good 45 minutes eating fruit, just watching. Then the sun came out full on and we headed home. Jay enjoyed his 3 cards and Father's Day dance from Lena. I might have to record her doing it just to show you guys. It's really funny. I took lots of pictures at the park, only to realize that they all went into the internal memory rather than the card, that I left at home. Now I can't pull them off until I get a new cord. sigh.
Anyway, Today I am 32 weeks and 4 days according to my LMP. I saw my midwife and everything is very uneventful. I put back on the pound that I had lost, so back up to a 9.25lbs weight gain. BP 100/65 and measuring 33.5 weeks. So looking good!

Another fun event in the Dacca house is that Lena finally lost her front tooth!!! It had been wiggly for a while, but really really loose this past week. She drove us all crazy and we called her Nanny McFee, because she kept flipping it out over her lip. Well, Friday night she was too scared to pull it out so I suggested that I do it. OK she said. I reached in and POP, out it came! =) 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Have a Dream: By Lena Dacca

I Have a Dream
By Lena Dacca
Grade 2
I have a dream that everywhere in the world it would be so clean. No people could throw garbage on the floor. The Arctic could be healthy. Polar bears, seals and Arctic foxes would stop eating the garbage on the floor. Seals and other animals could actually hunt. People would turn off the light when they're not using it. If boats would STOP going through the Arctic with their oil and stop loosing their nets, because they are getting on harp seals necks and they can not breath. When those dumb nets are around their necks. I want to have this dream come true because I want to live in a peaceful and clean land. I really care for the Arctic and people. I want them and us to live a wonderful life! I want everyone to be nice to the Earth. I don't want to die and I don't want my friends to die. I want to live to see my sister or brother, and see how I look when I grow up!
I am only 7 , it's tooooo early for me to die.
Please, please, please, please, please STOP throwing garbage on the floor.
If we don't stop, we can all die!!
So that what's important to me, what is important to you?
By Lena.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

30 Week Appointment

I saw the alternate midwife today and the new student. I really like them both. I really really hope they are both on duty when the time comes.
I lost a pound, or more actually. I was so worried that they were going to get upset at me, and they laughed. So I am only up about 8.25lbs in 30 weeks. Disgusting isn't it? We talked about my diet and they said I am doing everything right, not to worry. That some women who start out heavier end up using their reserves rather than gain a lot of weight. I laughed and told them that maybe I would end up being thinner after the pregnancy!
Blood pressure was 100/65, normal for me, urine looked good, and babies heart beat was 140. He is still head down in the same position. WHEW! He jumped the other morning so hard that it woke me up and I thought, that's it, he is breech!
We also discussed my options of I go over 40 weeks, which we will go more into as the time comes.
Next is in 2 weeks and then I get to visit the vampire to check for iron levels.
Oh, and after all the panic, I am measuring 31 weeks. Back to "normal". I am higher on my right side, than my left, so they measure slightly in between.