Friday, July 30, 2010

37/38 week appointment

We all trooped over to visit the midwife today.
Everything is normal as usual. I gained 2 more pounds this week, up to 14 lbs now. Baby Boy is measuring on target and his heart rate is good. So is my blood pressure at 110/66. And Strep B negative.
We got blood drawn today to do a platelet count, wish me luck on that one.
So, nothing spectacular to report over here.
I have a numb patch on my stomach. Does that count as exciting news?
We have the bag all packed and a check list for Jay for when the time comes. I also just double checked the car seat manual to make sure I know how to install it in the cab, or whose ever car, if family picks us up.
Laurie went over the fact that recovery will take place at home, so make sure to be prepared for that.
Otherwise, I go back next week again, and the week after.... It's just a waiting game!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

False Labor

What a long long day it was yesterday. I woke up at 7:30 with a leg cramp. Jumped out of bed to walk it out. Jay woke up to ask if I was having contractions and I said, No, just a leg cramp. Well, about 2 minutes later contractions started. So I went back and told him I lied. That was the start of a loooooong day.
I came out to the livingroom and tried timing them. They were coming at various strengths anywhere from 5 minutes to 8 minutes apart. Some were strong, some where like eh... But the main thing was, they would not go away! I finally got in the shower, which is supposed to help. Drank tea, did all that stuff. Nothing was touching them. So I called Laurie, my midwife at noon. I told the receptionist what was happening and she said OMG! And patched me through to Laurie.
She said I could come in early (I had an appointment at 3:30) and get checked to see if I was dilating, but the fact that I was not passing any (TMI) mucus, or water or anything, that it sounded more like Braxton Hicks and to try to just lie down for an hour, get some gatorade and to call her back.
So I take off for bed and manage to nap. She called me back at 2 to check on me and to say that she had to cancel my appointment because someone else actually DID go into labor!
I hung out for a little longer as Lena was bored out of her mind and driving me crazy. The contractions seemed to have finally stopped so we headed to No Frills. All I could think about all day was the groceries and the laundry that needed to be done BEFORE Baby Boy gets here!
I had a few more contractions through the rest of the day and just a handful last night. So far this morning, I feel fine.
It's funny because Monday I was nesting like crazy! I moved things, mopped, dusted, you name it. Then Tuesday Lena and I went shopping, she went swimming, then I cut her hair, and then went to the park.
I was going to wait until my appointment today to post my 37 week picture but being that today I am 37 weeks and 6 days, I will post it and then take my 38 week tomorrow. See if we can see any changes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

36 week appointment

I went in today for my 36.4 week appointment. I gained 2lbs (total of 12lbs so far) in the last 2 weeks, I am sure some of that is water weight. Blood pressure was 110/60. Measuring about 38 weeks.
But, what has us all worried is my platelet count. I went in and had the routine blood work done in June, my iron came back just dandy, but they said my blood coagulated before they could get an accurate platelet count. It was 123 (123,000), which is low. So they sent me back to retest. It came back at 99 (99,000)!
The average is 150-200. So now I have to retest again next week and more than likely every week until I go into labour. 
They said that most anesthesiologists wont do an epidural on someone who's platelet count is below 100, most wont do it below 150 if they can help it. Which also means that if for some reason I end up needing a c/s I will have to go under general. That just makes me want to cry. 
It can cause excessive bleeding after birth. 
They said as long as my iron levels stay high, it should be ok. That more than likely it's just a pregnancy related drop, and it will go back up after birth. But my midwife suggested I look into Tissue Salts. I found a pharmacy that carries them, but I have to call my midwife back to see which ones I need. 
Of course if it continues to go down, then I get to go see a blood specialist. 
Fun stuff I tell ya! Otherwise, all is well. OH, and they said my Rh- has nothing to do with delayed cord clamping and they prefer to delay anyway. =) 
OH OH OH! The midwife I want will be the one to deliver!!!! So half good news, and half bad today!
Here is a bad picture of me at 36 weeks.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The end is near!

It's hard to believe that the end is soooo close! 25 days according to my ticker. It's amazing how fast things are going now that August is around the corner.
Saturday evening I had some contractions from hell. Lena hovered over me with the phone telling me that she was going to call the midwife if I didn't knock it off. The whole thing caught me by surprise. The entire thing lasted about 5 hours. Totally untimeable, unpredictable, and down right irritating.
By the morning, I had gotten up every single hour to pee and check on myself to make sure nothing new was happening. And I was fine. Like nothing had happened! Baby boy seems soo low to me right now, which is a strange feeling being that Lena's head never engaged. I have a nice waddle going on now too.
Sunday I woke up feeling right as rain, as the saying goes. We headed off to Brimley beach with the whole family and just sat around all day enjoying the cooler weather that we have been blessed with this week and watched my feet swell up.
I woke up this morning with tons of energy and made sure that it wasn't wasted. I straightened up a few things that had been bothering me. Walked to Foodland while Lena roller skated, took out the recycling as it was building up. And walked down the block and back to bring Lena's friend over for a play date. Then. It hit me. I wound up sleeping almost the entire time her friend was over. Thank goodness they are really good little girls and don't get into trouble.
Although Lena's favorite saying right now is "No one loves me any more". She kids of course... I think anyway.
Friday we are going to see the new Ramona and Beezus movie! Yea!
Tomorrow is my midwife appointment. Can't wait to see the 15lbs I gained in the last 2 weeks... =(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just call me Mrs. Endurance!

Saturday we got the car and drove to Bowmanville Zoo, and Oshawa beach. The zoo was awesome. It wasn't crowded and they are mainly home to movie and TV animals! We got to hear wolves howl, Lena fed sooo many dear and goats, it was great. She rode a camel and we watched a really cool animal show.
Sunday morning we woke up kind of late as the day before kicked my butt. We hit to road much later than we wanted, about 11, and headed to Niagara Falls. Lena could NOT stop talking about getting to the hotel to go swimming. Well, check in wasn't until 3. =P
So we parked the car and went down to the falls and had a great time checking out the falls. This was our 3rd time on the Canadian side, but 5th time at the Falls in general. It's still wow's us every time. We finally headed to the hotel about 4:30. I was a little tired still and sore, but we managed to throw on our swim suits and headed for the pool. It was awesome. Until I got out. And started having contractions. I guess I used some muscles I didn't know I had! We walked across the parking lot to TGI Fridays and then we went into Clifton Hill . It's a crazy little area filled with just about everything.
Well, Lena was begging to go onto the HUGE skywheel. Little did I know that I have a major fear of falling. I knew that bridges bother me, but I had a total meltdown when we started going up. I thought I would be ok, but it just rushed over me. Jay asked if he should call the emergency button, but I told him I would be ok. Just about barfed too.
At 10pm there were going to be fireworks. We thought we might still be on the skywheel at that time, but we got off EXACTLY when the first firework went off. So we made a mad dash down to watch them. Then we laughed our butts off because there I was, just over a meltdown, running down a hill and then we had to march back up hill to go back. By the time we got back to the hotel (11pm) I could hardly walk!
Monday we got up early, ate breakfast and headed over to Marineland. The day started off with OK weather, then it turned HOT and muggy as hell. Then, it started sprinkling and cooled things down for a bit. I had to sit down quite a bit to recover and I think I drank 5 bottles of water myself in the time we were there. We went back to the hotel and Lena was begging to swim again. I told Jay he would have to take her that I needed a nap. 1 1/2 hours later they came back up and I was rested. =) We headed back out to Clifton Hill and had some extremely over priced pizza and ice cream. Walked down to the falls again, and then back up again. We got to the top of the hill and Lena said she wanted to go to Build A Bear. So we headed over there. I had some MAJOR contractions while we were in there. Jay said, do you think you just did too much walking? LOL THAT was an overstatement! I kept waiting for my water to break.
So we headed back to the hotel finally and I hopped in the bath with some epsom salts. AAHHH!!!!! Then we all crawled into bed and passed out.
This morning we had breakfast, we back to our room, Lena wanted to swim one last time, so Jay took her while I packed up. Then the last 3 days hit me.
I took some Tylenol and bucked up. Got the car loaded and went to Bird Kingdom and then onto the Butterfly Conservatory. We drove around for a few hours, stopping where ever we felt looked cool. There seemed to be a fire somewhere around there because the air was really smokey and was burning my eyes. Lena got a good nap in and we headed home.
WHEW. I am DONE. It's going to take me a while to get over this trip, but it was sooo much fun! Lena grew up so much, she surprised me by going on some rides that I NEVER thought she would go on while we were at Marineland!
Jay said, But we still have one more vacation before Baby Boy comes right? Um, Honey, I am due in 4 1/2 weeks. This is IT. Anything else we do will be local. I am HUGE and swelling and am really feeling pregnant, and DONE! I will post pictures in a little bit. There is SO much work yet to be done at home. The car has been returned, suitcase unpacked... that is it!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

34 weeks 4 days

34 week check today. I gained 2.5lbs in the last 2 weeks! That puts the total to 11.75lbs. But I am puffy this week from the heat, so I am sure that in 2 weeks when I go back, it will go down again! LOL
Blood pressure was 110/65. I am measuring in at 36 weeks, which to me, isn't that big of a difference, only 1 1/2 weeks ahead. I got the talk of another U/S to check on his size. Sigh. 
Anyway, all looks good. 
The end.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It all started...

This weekend didn't really get off on the right foot to begin with.
This is not only a holiday weekend, but it's moving weekend for the apartment building. It's been hectic around here with people moving in and out. Fireworks Thursday evening, and a psychotic dog.
But, the kicker was the moving van that pulled up at 1:30 am Friday night. Our building manager is going to get an earful from me tomorrow morning.
They were not quiet and gentle about the moving process. The first two hours were spend backing up the truck, unrolling the back, lifting out the ramp, dropping it. Yelling at each other... you get the point.
Jay also went deaf Friday night and had the TV up so loud that he didn't hear any of this going on, but I not only heard the moving, but every.single.word of the movie he was watching.
Do these people not know I am 34 weeks pregnant, I don't sleep well as it is. Don't mess with me!
We decided to take advantage of every weekend this July before Baby Boy comes. August is going to be pretty much out for me.
Our first outing was to Edwards Gardens for Fathers Day. It was lovely.
The second was yesterday. Despite getting very little sleep, I managed to get up at 8 and started preparing food. Cutting up watermelon, filling water bottles, all the stuff the family rely's on, but doesn't really think about until they go, OH! Did you... Yes, I brought....
We got a very late start, which turned out to be ok in the long run. We left by 11:30 I think, maybe even closer to noon.
Got our TTC Family day pass and set off on our journey. That journey included 2 subways, 1 street car, hoofing it on foot (well, not very far really) and a ferry ride.
We were going to Centre Island! It's much more than just Centreville amusement park. It's one of the prettiest places to go in Toronto. It's green, with cool breezes blowing through. Abundant sun and shade. Lots of nice places to picnic, or even grab a bite to eat at an over priced restaurant. You can rent bikes, boats, get drumming lessons. Go through a maze that we have YET to conquer. Lots of adorable dogs. A beach, parks, splash pads.. The list goes on and on.
We spent about 6 hours at the amusement park. I spent most of the time sitting and watching. I couldn't go on any rides. Liabilities or something like that. But, seeing Lena have so much freaking fun was worth it.
In the end we had to drag her away, green in the face from spinning around so many times on the tea cups.
We were quickly running through our food and water supplies and I was feeling about 50 weeks pregnant by then.
We went through the maze, twice. Still never figured out how to go through it completely! Played at a playground for a bit before our stomachs won the war and we headed over to a cafe we saw and ate some real food. By then it was getting chilly, and late.
9:00 We headed for the ferry dock. OMG, mass evacuation was happening! We had to wait with the rest of the people trying to escape, and watched as one ferry loaded up and left. Waited another 15-20 minutes for the next one to show up and loaded up like cattle being herded into a pen. We decided to sit up top and enjoy the view and the now ice cold breeze coming off of Lake Ontario. We lost our minds a little by then.
It's a quick 10-15 minute ferry ride however and soon we were back on land. The city was still warm, so we recovered from our shivers and decided (why, oh, why) to walk the few blocks to Union Station to take the first subway ride home.
As we sat in silence and giggled about the people we saw, Lena soon fell asleep. 35 minutes later we had to get off that subway and get on another. I waddled as Jay carried Lena up the 2 flights of stairs to the next train. I opted for the elevator. ;^)
Got on the next train and 15 minutes later we were at our home station. Waddled some more and came home to a dog that thought we had died and she was the only surviving thing on the planet.
We drank about 40 gallons of water, showered and were in bed by 11:30.
Now, I knew I would be sore from the days adventures. But HOW sore, became evident at about 3:30am when I woke up from my coma to pee. Note, this was about 4 hours after I took a single tylenol. I do believe that it wore off at the 3 hour 59 minute mark. I couldn't stand upright. Every.thing.hurt. I was going to die. I knew it. Got another tylenol and drank more water, spent about 30 minutes trying to get comfortable. HA! And eventually drifted off into a restless slumber.
Woke up when I just couldn't take the pain any more, and tried to face the fact that we were supposed to go my grand nieces birthday party today. Several hours later and lots of tears from exhaustion, we decided there was no way I was going to go. It's nearly 90*f outside, low humidity though at 35%, but I would have been making a trip to the ER with pre-term labor if I had gone. Jay took pity on me and took off with Lena to join the party at the park. Which will take them about 35 minutes or so via the subway and bus to get too.
But the kid has her skates, Oh, I will have to write about that later.
Now, to go fold some laundry and do nothing but read, drink water, pee and relax!